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Book Author(s)
Hans-Heiri Stapfer
Review Author
Andrew Birkbeck
Published on
Squadron Products

Yet another in the long established series of military vehicle monographs from Squadron Signal Publications under their “Walk Around” range, this particular title covers the Jagdpanzer 38 Hetzer. The book is in softback (card cover) format, 80 pages in length, with the glossy paper pages measuring 11 x 8 inches. The same title is also available in a hardback format, should you wish to spend the additional money.

Those familiar with this series of books will not be disappointed, as it follows the tried and true Walk Around format: the reader is given a brief written history of the Hetzer range of vehicles, a late war armored, tracked tank destroyer based on the Panzer 38(t) chassis. The Hetzer became the most widely used tank destroyer employed by German forces in WW2.

Review Author
Scott Hollingshead
Published on
Aires Hobby Models

Being that this detail set is denoting the gun bay of an F-5E Tiger II, I will begin with a little history of the M39A2 cannon, which is represented in this set. This weapon was developed by the Springfield Armory in the late 1940’s, and was based upon the German Mauser MG 213. The design was a five-shot revolver firing 20mm by 102mm projectiles at a rate of 1500 rounds per minute at a velocity of 3300 feet per second. The M39A2 was first released in 1964, but the M39 guns themselves entered service in 1952, and were mounted within the F-86H, F-100, F-101A and C, as well as the F-5 variants. Ford and Pontiac are among the companies who manufactured the M39 cannons, and some 35,500 have been produced. The M39A2 itself weighs 178.5 pounds and is just over six feet in length.

Review Author
Dick Montgomery
Published on
Scale Aircraft Conversions

The Parts:

This product contains four pieces cast in white metal which replace the struts and gear for the Bronco kit. The molding is clean, with no “step” along mold release points. The details match kit parts, rivet for rivet, but with no flash (kit parts have a little flash).

The SAC main landing gear struts are molded as “one” piece whereas the kit main gear struts require two pieces to be glued together to form one strut.


We’ve all seen the notice, “no assembly required”, but other than attaching the SAC parts to the Bronco kit, there isn’t any assembly required to prepare the SAC parts. The SAC parts fit nicely. They are snug and tight and fit into the Bronco kit just as the original parts fit.


I prime metal parts with an inexpensive primer found at Wal-Mart and Target. Use a primer of your choice.


Review Author
Dick Montgomery
Published on
Scale Aircraft Conversions

The Parts:

SAC provides 10 individual parts, replacing the gear and struts included in the J-8B kit from Trumpeter. The detail on the original kit parts is faithfully reproduced on the SAC parts.


Most of the SAC gear that I’ve used are free of “step” flash, that small line marking the point at which the molds join up. One of the main gear struts in this set required a swipe or two with an Xacto blade to eliminate the step and the parts were ready for priming.

Attaching the SAC parts to the kit is straightforward and easy. The fit is always nice and tight, alignment is good, and I’ve never experienced any problem with a SAC part fitting into the kit as well or better that the original part.


It is advisable to prime the parts with a primer of your choice. I use gray automotive primer from Wal-Mart or Target.


Review Author
Dave Koukol
Camden Koukol
Published on

Now the United States Air Force’s “Air Dominance Fighter,” the F-22 Raptor is arguably the world’s most advanced and capable air-to-air fighter aircraft. As part of the competition between the F-22 and F-23, the “YF” prototypes were flown, studied, and evaluated. Revell’s latest Snap-Tite aircraft offering, the YF-22, is a faithful reproduction of the winning prototype design.

Molded in light gray plastic with a sprue of tinted clear containing the canopy and another molded in black with the base, the kit convincingly captures the lines and essence of the YF-22. Camden, age 6, assembled the 15 kit parts in no time flat with minimal guidance from Dad. Since no painting instructions were provided, we opted to leave it “natural plastic.” The peel-and-stick “decals” flew on over the ensuing 20 minutes, and in less than an hour, Camden had completed his replica of the world’s most advanced fighter and had it buzzing around the house hunting for MiGs.