May 2015

Review Author
Roger Rasor
Published on
Cross & Cockade International

The latest journal of Cross & Cockade International - Spring 2015 Vol. 46/1- is the first of the journals that will make up Volume 46. C&C I is the quarterly publication of the non-profit UK based organization known as The First World War Aviation Historical Society. They have continuously published these journals since 1970 with the objective of furthering the study of First World War Aviation History. This journal continues the organization’s mission by providing considerable information on a wide range of WWI aviation subjects…this time delivering the interesting history and personal accounts of pilots engaged in reconnaissance flights in the early years of the war, a feature article about the Royal Navy’s ship born kite balloon operations, a tabulation of RFC aircraft supporting the British Expeditionary Force in 1914, and a six-page photo feature of aircraft from albums of the Gerhardt-Japp collection.

Review Author
Joe Porche
Published on
Academy Models


The F/A-18D is a two seat variant of the early McDonald Douglas Hornet. The rear seat of this variation is configured to allow a Marine Corps naval flight officer to function as the system and weapons officer similar to that of the F-15E Strike Eagle rear seater. In this roll there are no flight controls situated in the rear cockpit. With the US Marine Corp the F/A-18D serves primarily as a night attack bomber and forward air controller.

These modern D models are the result of a block upgrades in 1987 and 1989 which gave the Hornet the capacity to carry new missiles and air-to-ground weapons. Now fitted with forward looking infrared, night vision goggles, multi function color displays and moving maps the Hornet is capable to strike anytime of day or weather deep behind enemy lines.

Review Author
Rob Benson
Published on
Aires Hobby Models

Thanks to Aires Hobby Models for sending these excellent diorama figures for review. Thank you to the IPMS Reviewer Corps for letting me review them! I am very appreciative of the chance to contribute back to the scale-modeling community.

This review covers four separate releases that complement each other very nicely. The four figures represent WWII U. S. Army aircraft mechanics in the Pacific Theater. One mechanic figure is pushing upward, perhaps against a fuel tank or engine part, another could be wiping down or polishing, and another figure is mopping up. The last figure is taking a rest on a footlocker sipping a bottled beverage. They are all cast in gray resin with protective pour plugs surrounding the figures. I found the resin to have a very nice balance of workability and strength. I had no troubles with brittle parts or needing to do excessive sanding. Flash was minimal and easily removed when present.

Review Author
Pablo Bauleo
Published on

Trumpeter from China has released the first of a series of boxings for the deHavilland Hornet. This boxing represents the Mk.1F, with two other boxings scheduled for release later this year.

Upon opening the box you find 7 sprues (one clear) with about 80 parts in sharp and flash free plastic. Also a decal sheet for two finishing options - both overall silver - is provided.

I have read in British websites that there are some shape issues around the nose, the fuselage length and with panel lines that should not be there. I am not an expert on the Hornet, so I cannot speak to that. Please do your own research on the accuracy component of this model.

Review Author
Rod Lees
Published on
Scale Aircraft Conversions

Thanks again to a great IPMS supporter, Ross at SAC… and to IPMS leadership for providing it to me for review. Metal gear rule!

This set provides 15 metal parts to replace the main and nose gear for the new Revell 1/48 Panavia Tornado. Besides the three struts, retraction arms, torque links, and associated extension and compression arms, there are also the torsion arms which fit at the top of the main struts which twist the gear as it retracts. Continuing their recent business model, Revell’s kit is a superior, cost-effective alternative to past 1/48 Tornado kits; detail is there, and out of the box you will have a show-stopper. Adding the metal SAC gear is, however, an excellent option.

One thing to note up front: the kit gear has two-sided struts; the SAC gear is one-piece per strut. In this scale, it matters…

Review Author
Pablo Bauleo
Published on
Delta One Decals

Delta One Decal is a new European decal manufacturer. At time of writing, the Delta One Decal website is not live, but they have an email address:

These are limited edition decal sheets that cover generic Bort Numbers (Warsaw Pact nose numbers) in both “square corner” and “rounded corner” versions. For several numbers you get more than one style (see images).

Each set comes with red numbers (black and white edges), blue (black edge) and yellow (black edge). In addition you get some generic Red/Russian stars.

Review Author
Jim Stratton
Published on


The need for armored support early on during an amphibious invasion was indicated early in the war. It was apparent that there might not be a chance to unload armored vehicles directly on the beaches. This meant that invading armor would need to be unloaded off shore and wade to the beach. In order to do this the tank needed to be waterproofed and a means to supply air to the intakes and to dispel exhaust gases would have to be designed. The answer to this problem was the deep wading kit. These were usually manufactured on site and consisted of a quick release upper stack mounted to a lower stack. The forward stack was for the intake and the rear stack was the exhaust. Once the stacks were in place, the tank was further waterproofed by sealing the transmission, the glacis machine gun, the muzzle of the main gun, the gun shield, hatches, lights and ventilators. Just about anything that could spring a leak was sealed.

Review Author
Dave Morrissette
Published on

Brengun has produced a detail set of modern US Navy Wheel Chocks. With all the plethora of 1/48 scale kit out there, these make a great display item. The set consists of twelve nicely cast resin pieces. Four of these are the blocks, two are the rails, four are the ends to the block and the last two are two tiny locks for the rails. The tread patterns and lines on the blocks is very well defined. The ends are separate in this scale to allow a good channel for the rails. The rails include the toothed pattern used to lock the chocks in place just like the real item. The lock are very small so caution will be needed.

Review Author
Pablo Bauleo
Published on
Academy Models

Academy is re-releasing their 1/35 Tiger I, this one being the “Mid” version and in a special boxing for the 70th Anniversary of D-Day.

Upon opening a large box you are greeted by 10 sprues –many of which are part of the “early” boxing- plus two small photo-etch frets (engine grille covers/zimmerit tool) and plastic tracks, representing the “combat” (wide) tracks.

The part count is considerable (over 250 parts) however several pieces won’t be needed. I estimate a bit over 200 parts are required to complete this model. All the parts are crisp, perfectly molded and have no flash.

This boxing does not include the full interior –as other boxings- but it has a new tooled turret. I will be honest, it looks very similar to the original one (still included in the box) however it is possible to see a slightly asymmetry when looking at it from the top. It is very subtle, but it is there.