Panavia Tornado Landing Gear
Thanks again to a great IPMS supporter, Ross at SAC… and to IPMS leadership for providing it to me for review. Metal gear rule!
This set provides 15 metal parts to replace the main and nose gear for the new Revell 1/48 Panavia Tornado. Besides the three struts, retraction arms, torque links, and associated extension and compression arms, there are also the torsion arms which fit at the top of the main struts which twist the gear as it retracts. Continuing their recent business model, Revell’s kit is a superior, cost-effective alternative to past 1/48 Tornado kits; detail is there, and out of the box you will have a show-stopper. Adding the metal SAC gear is, however, an excellent option.
One thing to note up front: the kit gear has two-sided struts; the SAC gear is one-piece per strut. In this scale, it matters…
As with Airfix, the Revell styrene on the newer kits can be a bit soft; landing gear, pitot tubes, etc., tend to be prone to bending over time. This is where SAC gear shines; replace with metal gear and solve the problem.
This gear set is a bit more complex than others I have recently reviewed; I recommend you take your time, use the plastic kit gear to get an idea of how things fit together, and you will be fine. No splayed main gear here!
This continues my preferred use of SAC gear on kits… Unmatched in durability and strength, and the cost is reasonable. Highly recommended for use on your model investment!
Thanks again to Ross at SAC for providing excellent gear replacements, rating 10 of 10!

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