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Review Author
Floyd S. Werner Jr.
Published on
July 11, 2011
Aires Hobby Models

Aerobonus’ latest release is the ‘big’ rocket pod used on a variety of aircraft. For me this rocket pod usually mounted on the Mi-24 Hind helicopter. It was also used on the Mig-21, Mig-23, Mig-27, and Mi-8/17.

Perfectly cast in light grey resin, with no bubbles or imperfections, these rocket pods are beautiful. The tip and the openings are beautiful renderings. The pods are cast in two pieces, the nose cone/center section and the exhaust fairings. Cutting them off and attaching them is easy enough.

Decals are provided for the stencils, alignment marks and the serial number on the side of the pods. The instructions show where they would go.

Painting them is easy, aluminum. Attaching them is easy enough just add pins in the mount lugs and then attach them to the model.

Review Author
Roger Carrano
Published on
July 11, 2011

Eduard has put together a bunch of German Radios in 1/35 scale which are very detailed, right down to the tiniest handles and each radio can be made to sit alone as is or have straps supplied to each unit so that it can be attached to a figure to make the figure appear to be actually carrying the radio. Small headphones which attach to each radio by a wire (which you will have to supply) add even more realism. Eduard has painted them in such a way as to depict them as being “well handled”. The detail is so precise and clear which meets their usual standards. There are nine radios all together (some are doubles) and each one is better than the next. Everything is included to make different variations on each one, so the variations are limitless.

Review Author
Jim Pearsall
Published on
July 11, 2011
Minicraft Model Kits

The Aircraft

If you’ve never seen a C-130, and never had a ride in a Herk, you’ve probably been living under a rock somewhere. There are more than 40 variants, serving in 60 countries. The C-130 has been in service with the US Air Force for over 50 years, albeit with several different models and many improvements along the way.

Review Author
Roger Carrano
Published on
July 11, 2011
Afterburner Decals

The company, Afterburners Decals, deals with mostly 1/48 decals and has many different sets of which most are of the newer and modern jets, although there are a few sets which contain decals for weapons and missiles. There are only three sets of decals in the 1/32 scale. In the past there weren’t many modelers building in 1/32 scale so the demand for decals in this scale wasn’t large enough to justify the need to produce them. But now, since there are many more modelers building kits in the 1/32 scale range, it stands to reason that the amount of kits sold in that scale are increasing as well, so Afterburner Decals have decided to try supplying the large scale decals again. If this works out, Afterburner will be making more sets for the large scale builders.

Review Author
Floyd S. Werner Jr.
Published on
July 10, 2011
Academy Models

The Kit

Academy provides you with six sprues of light grey plastic and two small clear plastic. The sprues are the same ones that were issued by Hobbycraft, but there is a difference. The difference is the inclusion of three additional items, two cowl guns and a pitot tube made out of turned brass. These items are little gems of work. The guns have hollowed out ends and look perfect. The decals are printed by Cartograf and provide markings for one colorful aircraft. Being from Cartograf they are in perfect register and suitably thin. In essence, perfect decals.

The instructions are easy enough to understand and broken down into twelve steps. The marking option provides a four view drawing that will help you mark your airplane.