Welcome to the IPMS/USA Reviews site!

Introduction: The primary organization of the IPMS/USA Review website is by IPMS/USA National Contest Class. Within each Class there are sub-menus by kits, decals, books, etc. The Miscellaneous Class is for items that are not class specific or that cross two or more classes.

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Manufacturers, publishers, and other industry members: IPMS/USA is pleased to offer your company the opportunity for product reviews. All product reviews are performed by IPMS/USA members, and are posted in the publicly-accessible section of our website. With very few exceptions, we perform full build reviews of new kit releases, aftermarket products, and supplies. If you would care to provide product samples for review, please contact John Noack, IPMS/USA 1st VP.

To learn more about IPMS/USA, please see our About Us page.

Review Author
Luke R. Bucci, PhD
Published on
Fine Molds

Bottom Line: Excellent 3-D anchors and flattest chrysanthemum bow crests for wide range of Imperial Japanese Navy warships.

Fine Molds Nano Dread 700 Series has been producing a line of very finely detailed and realistically close-to-scale aftermarket equipment sets for 1/350 and 1/700 scale World War 2 Imperial Japanese Navy warships. These sets use advanced molding techniques to produce very small parts with exceptional detail. Historical accuracy and attention to detail makes Fine Molds Nano Dread sets ideal for upgrading WW2 ships. They have an advantage over photoetch metal sets by being three-dimensional, easier to handle, no folding or assembly required (mostly), rigid, stronger and just plain better-looking.

Book Author(s)
Peter Davies-Garner
Review Author
Hub Plott
Published on
Seaforth Publishing

Titanic, no other ship’s name can conjure up so many images in one’s mind. The ship was the epitome of luxury, affluence and status. The tragedy of the loss of over 1500 souls; the love of Ida and Isador Straus, who would not be separated and chose to go down with the ship together rather than one should live apart from the other; or of the ships remains broken and battered on the ocean floor.

The world’s most famous ship is also one of the most modeled ocean going vessels of all time. This book covers one man’s journey building a scratch built 1/48 scale 18 foot long model of RMS Titanic. The book opens with a brief history of the loss of the ship and a discussion of builder’s models of the Titanic and her sister’s Olympic and Britannic before launching into the meat of the subject.

Review Author
Ben Guenther
Published on

When the package arrived I was expecting a C-130A and was surprised to find in its place a model kit for the JC-130A. I didn’t have a clue on what the “J” stood for, so off to the internet to find out. Well, they were built to track and retrieve missiles tested over the Atlantic test range. Further snooping found that eight C-130A’s were built as JC-130A’s and later several B models were built as JC-130B’s and were used to track and retrieve space capsules (i.e. film capsules from spy satellites) on the Pacific test range.

Review Author
Floyd S. Werner Jr.
Published on

The new Cyberhobby Bf-110s are some of the finest versions of this famous aircraft but even they could use some resin to make them even better.

These little gems are molded in light grey resin without a bubble anywhere. The level of detail far exceeds what is in the kit. These parts are easy enough to add. Simply remove them and substitute them for parts K12 and K13. The only thing these need to make them outstanding is a good paint job. Granted they will be mostly hidden but I think that they add to the look of the finished model.

I like to upgrade cockpits and wheel wells so this set is perfect for me. So if you are like me you will ‘need’ these.

Highly recommended

Thanks to Quickboost and IPMS/USA for the review copy

You can obtain your copy from your local hobby shop or by contacting Quickboost at www.quickboost.net.

Review Author
Floyd S. Werner Jr.
Published on

Quickboost has taken a shine to the Italeri Ar-196 kit. This makes either the fourth or fifth upgrade set for it. This time the emphasis is on the armament. Molded in light grey resin the parts feature great detail. This set has seven resin pieces with everything from the guns and barrels themselves to the mounts and ammo drums. The cooling fins on the gun barrels are especially nicely done. The ends are hollow and look great. The detail is much finer than that included in the kit and requires significantly less clean up than the plastic parts.

Highly recommended

Thanks to Quickboost and IPMS/USA for the review copy

You can obtain your copy from your local hobby shop or by contacting Quickboost at www.quickboost.net.