F100C Super Sabre
This is Atlantis Models re-release of their old (1956) North American F-100C, one of the iconic American jets of the Cold War. As usual, Atlantis has cleaned up the molds and re-done the decal sheet but this is a typical 1950’s model airplane. Minimal parts (37), no interior except a pilot molded into a seat part that was ubiquitous to Revell airplane models of that era and the ever-popular Revell “Swivel Stand”. The model has the then normal raised decal locators but has engraved control surfaces. The canopy is nice and clear and fits pretty well. The decal sheet is quite attractive and having done many Atlantis kits I can safely say that it is well done and the decals behave.
However, The decals are for a natural metal F-100C and I just wasn’t up to that for whatever reason, so a little searching produces an all-green Danish a/c that would be easy to finish quickly for this review. So I scrounged through my decals and cobbled together some markings that looked reasonably well.
Assembly is very straightforward and the model goes together remarkably well as long as you clean up all the parts thoroughly. Remember, even if ‘reconditioned” , these molds are over 60 years old. You have to expect some wear and tear. I did sand off all the raised decal locators, however. The only real fit problem was mating the main wing/fuselage section to the body of the aircraft. Some shims and putty were needed to get an acceptable fit on the bottom. A coat of primer, then some Model Master Field Green, which pretty closely matched the Danish colors in photos, my scavenged decals, and voila, we’ve got something that really looks like an F-100C. At least it did to literally millions of youngsters in the 50’s and 60’s.
All in all, it was a trip down memory lane. If you are an F-100 enthusiast, this kit is not for you. It is very well suited, however, to getting younger modelers out of snap-tite kits and into their first real model. Built while sitting next to dad in the workshop on a rainy day, this kit could produce some memories for both father and son.
I’d like to thank Atlantis Models for providing this kit and IPMS/USA for the chance to take a trip down memory lane.
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