Welcome to the IPMS/USA Reviews site!

Introduction: The primary organization of the IPMS/USA Review website is by IPMS/USA National Contest Class. Within each Class there are sub-menus by kits, decals, books, etc. The Miscellaneous Class is for items that are not class specific or that cross two or more classes.

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Manufacturers, publishers, and other industry members: IPMS/USA is pleased to offer your company the opportunity for product reviews. All product reviews are performed by IPMS/USA members, and are posted in the publicly-accessible section of our website. With very few exceptions, we perform full build reviews of new kit releases, aftermarket products, and supplies. If you would care to provide product samples for review, please contact John Noack, IPMS/USA 1st VP.

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Review Author
Mike Lamm
Published on

This kit from Plusmodel includes materials to make seven commercial boxes. The kit is one piece of laminated card with images of 7 different boxes printed on one side. The boxes are in different sizes, and represent seven different commercial products, including a vacuum cleaner, a kitchen scale, a transistor radio, a clothing iron, a soda machine, an FM radio, and an angle grinder. These items would fit great into a modern diorama set in a commercial or residential area.

Construction is simple, cut the boxes out along the outlines, making sure to leave the attachment tabs intact, and glue the sides together. The instructions on the back of the package recommend using cyanoacrylate glue, but I was concerned that would be too strong and might damage the images, so I just used a glue stick and it worked perfectly.

Once the pieces are glued together, that’s it. In minutes, you can have some interesting items to add to your diorama.

Book Author(s)
Author: James D’Angina, Illustrator: Adam Tooby
Review Author
Tim Hortman
Published on
Osprey Publishing

There is no question that the Mitsubishi A6M Zero is one of the most famous and recognizable aircraft of the Second World War. From its early days of domination over the skies, to the end of the conflict where the once seemingly invincible aircraft was relegated to Kamikaze missions; the Reisen saw service throughout the war in Japanese Naval Air Force service.

Author James D’Angina tells the story of the Mitsubishi A6M Zero in Osprey Publishing’s Air Vanguard #19. Chapters are broken down as follows:

Review Author
Dick Montgomery
Published on
Casemate Publishers

A new release from Casemate Publishing, this set of 16 full color posters is just what every aircraft modeler and enthusiast will want for the Hobby Cave, office, or wall. Each poster is 11in x 17in and features a different aircraft. Thirteen of the posters feature aircraft from World War II while the remaining three posters feature post war jets.

Aircraft list:

Review Author
Frank Landrus
Published on
Advanced Modeling

Advanced Modeling, based in Chelyabinsk Russia, has jumped in to help 1/72 (and 1/48 as well as 1/32) model builders of modern Russian aircraft that include the Su-24M, Su-25TM, Su-25SM, Su-30MKI, Su-30MKK, Su-32, MiG-27K, and MiG-29SMT. This new release provides two KAB-500Kr 500kg TV guided bombs consisting of four grey resin parts and two clear resin parts. It also includes a photoetched fret consisting of two pieces for the rear end of the bombs and a well done waterslide decal sheet with black stencil markings.

Notable is the re-sealable packaging that Advanced Modeling uses that makes the parts easy to review and then stuff back into the package securely. Painting instructions are included with the instruction sheet, in this case calling out FS 26473 grey. The resin parts are well cast with no air-bubbles or any casting errors that I could spot on any of the resin parts.

Review Author
Frank Landrus
Published on
Advanced Modeling

Advanced Modeling, based in Chelyabinsk Russia, has jumped in to help 1/72 (and 1/48 as well as 1/32) model builders of modern Russian aircraft that include the Su-24M, Su-25TM, Su-25SM, Su-30MKI, Su-30MKK, Su-32, MiG-27K, and MiG-29SMT. This new release provides two KAB-500L 500kg laser guided bombs consisting of six resin parts. It also includes a photoetched fret consisting of two pieces for the rear end of the bombs and a well done waterslide decal sheet with black stencil markings.

Notable is the re-sealable packaging that Advanced Modeling uses that makes the parts easy to review and then stuff back into the package securely. Painting instructions are included with the instruction sheet, in this case calling out FS 26473 grey. The resin parts are well cast with no air-bubbles or any casting errors that I could spot on any of the resin parts.