“You are Important to God” Prayer Before Battle

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Company: ICM - Website: Visit Site
Provided by: ICM - Website: Visit Site

Right on the heels of their lovely Mobile Chapel kit, ICM has released a set of figures that can either be used to create a stand-alone vignette or be used together with the aforementioned vehicle.

This set includes five well-sculpted figures, along with a separate sprue containing a portable organ, folding chair and numerous small bits that would be appropriate on an altar or other religious table. As I mentioned in my previous review of the mobile chapel itself, I stated that such a vehicle would rarely (I assume) have seen front-line service, and this set of figures supports that theory, as they appear very much to be rear-echelon types in suitably casual garb.

The set includes a preacher in appropriate ecclesiastic garb, an organ player, two supplicants and an assistant holding out a collection plate. Detail is crisp and the facial features distinctive and well done.

As far as assembly goes, all are quite simple and go together smoothly. Only the preacher’s robes require a little filler to hide the seams. This was the only figure I used any filler on during assembly.

The organ is a finicky build, so take your time with assembly. A decal sheet (a duplicate of the sheet supplied with the mobile chapel) includes the keyboard, but I found the detail well enough represented that I could hand paint it instead. About the only thing I would have liked to see what some sheet music for the organist, but that’s easy enough to supply with a tiny piece of folded paper.

As stated before, this would make a nice little vignette by itself, but it really soars when you add the mobile chapel to the mix. I can’t help but give a major thumbs up to this lovely set, and I DO recommend that you consider picking up the mobile chapel to go with it. Highly recommended.

My thanks to ICM for creating this charming set-piece and to IPMS/USA for the chance to add this to my mobile chapel kit. Happy modeling, everyone, and keep safe!



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