US Navy Blue Angels C-130

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Company: Caracal Models - Website: Visit Site
Provided by: Caracal Models - Website: Visit Site

ATTENTION!!! Those of you with that huge box of plastic labeled “1/48 Testors or Italeri C-130 E/H in your stash, languishing in the dust because you’re bored with monotone gray, SEA or European One camouflage schemes. Here is your chance to buy a couple of extra bottles of liquid cement and get after it! This decal sheet offers up beautifully rendered markings for “Fat Albert” the USMC C-130T that provides support logistics transport, in addition to it’s own amazing solo performance featuring rocket assisted take-offs for the US Navy’s “Blue Angels” aircraft demonstration team.

In the plastic sleeve on a typical 5-1/2” X 8-3/4” decal sheet you will find two large Blue Angels shield markings for the giant vertical stabilizer, along with the yellow staff names, “Marines” markings and stencils. The “Blue Angels” script is provided in two different lettering styles, depending upon which season you wish to depict the aircraft from. The huge red/white/blue stars and bars markings are provided on a separate, smaller sheet.

Except for the cheat lines and masking (and of course the several bottles of primer and paint you will require), this is not a difficult paint job. The instruction sheet illustrates the correct paint scheme and suggested paint colors Gloss White (FS 17875), Blue Angels Yellow (FS 13655) and Blue Angels Blue (FS 15050) … even noting that maintenance personnel use “Plastikote 1134 – Royal Blue” spray paint to touch up the airframes. (Hmmmmm… I wonder how many 1/48 Hornets I have in the stash? Maybe a “Blue Angels” group build???) The instruction sheet could be copied and enlarged to provide a masking template for the yellow nose scalloped edges.

Caracal’s decals are printed in Italy by Cartograf. In a previous build review I did (see, the Caracal decals went down smoothly, and with a touch of Solvaset, nestled down into and over the surface detailing. After sealing everything with another couple of mist coats of Future, things looked great prior to weathering and dull coating, which, obviously you wouldn’t need to do on this subject. If you purchase a set of these excellent markings and elect to tackle this interesting subject, be sure to consult the many photographs of “Fat Albert” on the internet to research the different engines, numerous humps, bumps, antennae, etc. that are unique to this airframe.

Caracal Models is an Austin, Texas based firm that offers high-quality decals and detail parts for scale modelers. Their subjects include a variety of military aircraft from post-World War II to the present. I have purchased several of their decals sets on my own, and their offerings are typically well-researched and interesting subjects not usually addressed by other manufacturers. The usual 1/72, 1/48 and 1/32 scales are well represented. Shipping/mailing to US customers is free. If there is a subject that is not currently covered you would like to see done, visit their website at, and drop them a line via email or snail mail, and while you’re there, sign up for their email list to be notified of new issues. Ordering can be done on site via Paypal, or through various on line hobby suppliers and select local hobby shops. Those of us in Texas cough up an additional 8.25% for maintaining the Republic.

As usual from this manufacturer, very highly recommended! Thanks to Caracal Models and IPMS for the review set. Now, I know of two Ds, but let’s see how many F/A-18Cs I have in the stash …

C-130 Cover


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