F-18 Super Hornet Upgrade Set

Published on
May 20, 2012
Review Author(s)
Product / Stock #
Base Kit
Provided by: Afterburner Decals
Box Art

This set of “upgrade” decals is another product by Afterburner in a long line of high-quality decal sets. Designed for the Hasegawa F-18 Super Hornet, this Upgrade Set provides well over 100 markings, stencils, instrument panel faces, restraint harnesses, and even red landing gear door edge markings for the awesome Hasegawa Super Hornet.

This set of decals easily achieves all of the standards for high quality decals. The decals do not allow for underlying colors to bleed through after application. Registry is dead on, and the decal proportions are correct and proper. There is very little carrier film that will need to be trimmed away. The sample taken from the sheet indicated that the decals are strong enough to withstand some handling during the application process, and yet thin enough to adhere to any raised or engraved detail upon which the decal is placed. The sample was treated with SolvaSet and did not show any sign of a negative reaction.

These decals were printed by Cartograf of Italy and, as with other Cartograf work, I am very impressed with the quality.

The decals are accompanied by a broadsheet, printed front and back, providing a location guide.

Thanks to Scott Brown and Afterburner Decals for the sample and to IPMS/USA for the opportunity to review this very fine product. These decals are highly recommended.


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