Ju-87B-2 Pitot Tube
The Detail Parts:
Quickboost has a well established reputation for offering detail parts that are of excellent quality and this product maintains that reputation. There are three Pitot Tubes on a single sprue, bracketed by “goal posts” which serve to protect the Pitot Tubes.
This product is designed to be used with the Italeri Ju-87B-2 Stuka. Upon examination you will see that the Pitot Tubes can be used on other subjects but they are designed for the Italeri kit. Each Pitot Tube measures 11/16th of an inch in length, and, to the best of my ruler’s ability, slightly less than 1/32nd of an inch in diameter at its base. The tubes have a constant diameter for the first 15/32nd of their length, and then the diameter reduces by about half to the end, or forward tip of the tube. In short, the tubes are very small and have a “scale appearance” in all regards.
The three Pitot Tubes are, for lack of a better phrase, without any imperfection. There is no flash, no mold release line which needs to be removed, and no air bubbles anywhere on the casting.
Because of the small size of the tubes caution must be exercised when removing them from the sprue.
What’s Out There?
The Italeri Ju-87B-2 has an item number of ITA2690 and goes for around $40 to $55 depending on the source.
This product is highly recommended for its attention to scale and the quality of the parts. Thanks to Quickboost for the opportunity to review this item.
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