Gloster Meteor F.1
The Gloster Meteor was one of the first jets to fly operational and is one of my favorites. I was very pleased to receive this kit by Cyber Models to review and was not disappointed in it at all.
Upon opening the box I was very impressed with the fine molding and details. The panel lines seemed to be truly in scale. Having built the Meteor F.3 in the white scheme, I chose to do the standard RAF scheme of light grey underneath and dark grey and green on the top surfaces.
Assembly was pretty straightforward. The cockpit is a real work of art and I painted it semi-gloss black as per my reference. To add some color, I did add seatbelts from tape.
The landing gear was a little confusing as I felt that the instructions were not all that clear. On the previous Meteor that I built I thought I added enough weight to prevent tail sitting but I was wrong. This time I put a ton of lead sinkers into the forward fuselage behind the cockpit but this was still not enough as I found out when I installed the landing gear at the end. If I ever build another I will put a brick in the cockpit.
The fit of the wings was terrific. No filler was required. This kit of the meteor supplied jet engines to be displayed via opening hatches. The instructions for assembling the engines were a bit vague but I managed to get them together properly.
Everything else went together easily and looked great. I primed the entire aircraft with Duplicolor automotive grey primer which was just the right color for the top of the aircraft. I left off the landing gear and landing gear doors as a final assembly but I did paint them ahead of time. I airbrushed Vallejo acrylic airbrush colors for the light grey on the bottom and for the dark green for the camo on the top.
The canopy came in two parts in case one wanted to leave it open as I did. I dipped both parts in Future floor was for a very clear finish.
After all was assembled, I applied the decals. They are Cartograf from Italy and are some of the fines and thinnest I have ever used. One must take care as they stick immediately. Use a lot of Micro Sol. The decals conformed to every curve and bump.
If I had any complaint about this kit, it would be that the colors are not posted for the parts. Without reference books on the Meteor, I would not know what to paint anything. I also found some of the instructions vague.
Overlooking these minor problems, I would highly recommend this kit to builders with some experience. It is without a doubt the finest Meteor kit on the market in this scale.
I wish to thank IPMS/USA for giving me this kit to review and Dragon USA for supplying it to IPMS.

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