Camouflage - The Weathering Magazine Issue #20
This is 20th magazine in Ammo’s weathering line. I really like how they take one topic and run about ten articles to explain how to improve your skill on this technique. The magazine is in the larger, A4 European style, since it is published in Spain. There are 75 pages of high gloss color photos broken down into 11 articles. The article’s models range from five armored fighting vehicles, a locomotive, a figure, a submarine and a Sci-Fi Maschinen figure. Each article is six to eight pages long and full of photos detailing the step by step camouflage pattern being used. There is no construction of these kits discussed, it is just all painting and weathering. I noticed that almost all the articles use only Ammo by Mig products. Makes sense since it is their magazine series.
The one article I liked best was the “Camouflage Colour.” Since the articles appear to be written by Spanish authors and then translated into British English, some spelling is different than American English. This article has about 25 color drawings of a wide range of camouflage vehicles, plus block photos of the just the camouflage pattern. This will be a great reference for future projects since it covers just about every major nation. I included a couple scans from this article. Another article I enjoys was the “Camouflage in History.” It mainly covers World War I expanded the use of camouflage and the new techniques developed during the war. It touches a little on World War II and the modern armies use.
The article on the Aussie M1 tank is a work in progress and will be included in the next issue, “Faded”. The last page is a preview of the next issue coming out in this series, once again “Faded”. There are only about ten pages of ads, mainly for online hobby stores
I really like the layout, the wonderful photos and the step by step nature of this magazine. I can see myself referring to the magazine many times for inspiration on developing some interesting camouflage paint schemes on future armor projects.
I would like to thank Ammo by Mig Jimenz and IPMS for the opportunity to read and review this wonderful publication.

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