AFV Modeller, #53 July/August 2010
The lead article of this issue, and the cover feature, focuses on a spectacular diorama by Frank Bazin, which he calls Hill 112. It’s a historical vignette of a moment in time. It depicts the British thrust of July 10, 1944 in their vain attempt to break the German hold on Caen, a month after the Allies landed in France. Bazin’s diorama captures the intensity of the immediate aftermath of the British bombardment and is what all modelers should strive for in a diorama. His article focuses on three components of the diorama - the enhancements and weathering of the Tamiya Tiger I, the exquisite scratch built figures which populate the scene, and the foliage that dominates the hill top.
Jose Luis Lopez Ruiz is next with a detailed article on the 10.5 cm leFH18 auf 39H(f) self propelled gun. It’s the Bronco kit of the French H39 mated with a German 105 mm gun. What makes the article so captivating is the careful use of shading and color modulation to produce a very colorful vehicle with an appropriate level of weathering that provides depth to the surfaces and wear and tear that is scale appropriate and colorful. His descriptions and photographs should provide enough information for modelers to tackle this complex and time consuming process on their own.
The issue continues with the Tamiya Pz.Kpfw II Ausf. C kit that came out recently. Based on a vehicle from the Polish campaign, John Steinman chose a color scheme that is highlighted in the Volume I of Ian Allen’s Panzerwaffe series. The vehicle was done in Panzer Grey with red brown splotches, a camouflage scheme that is not very frequently replicated in models of this vehicle. That last lengthy article is timely. With the announcement of the release of Tamiya’s BT-7, there is undoubtedly a great deal of interest among modelers. Eelke Warrnick has built a M1935 version of the BT-7 using an Eastern Express kit. The article details the necessary changes needed to bring the kit up to speed and provides a primer for possible modifications to the Tamiya kit. The last model article is a short feature on modeling a T-72B in Chechnya with a KMT-7 mine roller.
This issue of the AFV Modeller features part 7 of the editors illustrated guide to modifying, improving, and detailing that Trumpeter 1/16 King Tiger with a full interior. Whereas the last issue focused on the turret basket, this installment builds up the interior of the turret with particular emphasis on the ammunition racks in the bustle of the turret. As in previous articles, using sheet styrene, bits of brass, and some photoetch, passable kit parts are modified into masterpieces. As usual, the author does a fantastic job of correcting errors in the kit and fine detailing the interior. Once again, I am looking forward to seeing the final product!!!
As usual, the remaining parts of the magazine are devoted to product reviews and the continuing series of photo essays on the variants of the Sherman tank. This issue turns the camera lens to the final development of the M4A1 with a cast hull.
My thanks to AFV Modeller for providing IPMS/USA for providing this issue for review. For more information, please visit the AFV Modeller web site.

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