Journal of the Military Vehicle Preservation Society (Vol. 2, Issue 2 - October/November 2019)

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The Military Vehicle Preservation Society (MVPA) is a hobbyist group that restores and operate historical military vehicles. While the journal is for members, for modelers that enjoy soft skins, the images are worthwhile. From what I can figure out, it appears that History in Motion is available to members as opposed to something you would find in a hobby shop. This publication is the result of merging the previous two membership publications into one.

Like many membership publications, there are articles from the officers, features that highlight membership activities and special articles. The articles in this issue that caught my attention was the last part of three part series on Canadian Five Ton trucks., the 75th anniversary of the D-Day landings and a number of photo series. The photographs are of a great quality, though keep in mind, these are restored vehicles. For the vehicle aficionado, the magazine is packed full of ads for vendors who sell a remarkable array of goods related to historic vehicles. Impressive.

There are various levels of membership, depending upon how quickly you want the publications shipped ($50.00 vs. $75.00). If you are hobbyist, this might not be the best way to build an archive of historical vehicles, but it is a start. My thanks to IPMS and the MVPA for giving me the opportunity to review this book.



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