C-130 J Engine Set

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Base Kit
Italeri C-130J Hercules
Company: Brengun - Website: Visit Site
Provided by: Brengun - Website: Visit Site

Brengun produces a wide range of unique resin, photo-etch (PE) accessories and full kits in 1/32, 1/48, 1/72 and 1/144. These nacelles were previously produced by Attack Squadron (Arma Hobby) and that product line was sold to Brengun which now offers the C-130 product line many are familiar with.

This resin set comes in a sturdy cardboard box containing four complete Rolls Royce engine nacelles, prop spinners, cowl flaps, lower vents/probes. The twenty four (6 per engine) scimitar propeller blades are not provided and you will need the ones from the kit to complete. Each engine is finely cast with a main engine portion and separate gearbox area. The spinner is cast in one piece with pilot holes to install the kit blades. The kit engine cowling shape goes back to the “A” model Allison engines and the spinner of the same shape but with 6 blades. The “J” model uses Rolls Royce engines which are require a larger engine cowling and the spinner is a completely different size and shape. The photos show the Italeri kit parts next to the resin parts for reference.

There is a small instruction sheet explaining the modification required to the inboard nacelle attachment point.

Following the instructions, you will need to trim 2.25mm (0.088”) from each inboard nacelle mounting on the kits wing. The modification corrects the alignment of the prop blades between engines. The correct arrangement is with the propeller blades all in line with each other instead of how the kit is produced placing the outboard prop slightly behind the inboard prop. This will basically trim right up to the leading edge of the wing. After trimming the resin away from the cast blocks and removing any flash, the rest is just simple assembly of the remaining parts. The propeller blades can be positioned at any angle so check your references on the angle required for your build. Unlike older C-130 propeller blades, the J model blades go to full feather after the aircraft is powered down.

For the C-130 fans out there, this set is a must for your Hercules, especially since the nacelle length is for the C-130A versions. Brengun also offers a 1/72 scale flap set, sponson set, wheel set and harvest Harvest Hawk conversion so I am anxiously waiting to see their next new product for the Hercules.

Thanks to Brengun for this very nice engine set.

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