76.2mm UBR-354P HVAP-T High Velocity Armoy Piercing Shell Replica

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Standalone replica
Company: Pig Models - Website: Visit Site
Provided by: Pig Models - Website: Visit Site

Pig Models is a model company based in Taiwan. It was established in 2016 with a commitment to providing interesting model kits. I first became aware of the company with their release of their 1/1 scale German Tiger II 8.8cm Pzgr.39/43 (APCBC-HE) L71 Shell Replica [Kit # 1-002]. They have also released 1/1 scale variants, 8.8cm Pzgr.39 (APCBC) L/56 Shell Replica [Kit # 1-001] and 8.8cm Sprgr. 43 (HE) kwk43 L71 Shell Replica [Kit# 1-004]. Since then, Pig Models has released over a dozen unique and interesting kits.

The German offensive of 1939 changed the perception of the threat of assault by armored vehicles. The early German success can be attributed to both technological advancements since the First World War and the use of combined arms tactics with the Panzer. Initial allied assessments of the rapid collapse of France attributed the success of the German army entirely to the tank, not truly grasping the impact of the supporting arms in exploiting the breakthrough and facilitating the advance. The result was a scramble to develop an effective means to defeat the German Panzer.

The ‘UBR-354P’ is a spin-stabilized, gun-fired hyper-velocity, Armor-Piercing, Composite Rigid round with a tungsten penetrator. It is capable of penetrating 102mm of armor but will do reduced damage to the target. It is most effective at close range. High-velocity armor-piercing ammunition (called "subcaliber" by the Soviets) is used primarily against tanks; however, it is also used against any type of armored or reinforced concrete target. Its effect is achieved by the high muzzle velocity of the projectile and the hardness of its core. This high-velocity armor-piercing tracer round is fired from the 76mm regimental gun(howitzer) M1927; divisional guns M1902/30, M1936 (F22), M1939 (USV), M1942 (ZIS-3); tank guns M1927/32, M1938/39 (L-11), M1939 (F-32), M1940 (F-34), M1941 (ZIS-5); and self-propelled gun M1942/43 (SAU-76).

The Kit

The Pig Models 1/1-scale 76.2mm UBR-354P HVAP-T High Velocity Armor Piercing Shell Replica consists of 2 parts of ABS [Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene] plastic and 2 PE [Polyethylene] parts. A mask is provided for the Shell and Projectile stenciling. The Shell stenciling includes [by line number]: 1st: Complete Round Code Number; 2nd: Caliber – Model – Type of Weapon/Gun; 3rd: Propellant Data – Lot & Year – Factory Type; 4th : Complete Round Lot Number – Year of Assembly – Assembly Plant. In the case of the stencil provided, this round was assembled in 1943 at assembly plant number 46. The Projectile stenciling includes: Projectile Factory – Lot Number – Year of Manufacture. The completed assembly is not quite 3.5in in diameter at the base and a bit over 21in in length.


Be sure that you bathe the parts in soap and water for at least 20 seconds to meet CDC standards. There were no seams on the two base parts. However, the main shell and projectile required clean up of flash and seams. I had thought I could shave the seams down, but after primer, the seams [or ghosts of those seams] were still there. I ended up using progressive grades of wet-dry sandpaper. The projectile nose needed putty work to smooth out the top several inches on each side. The issue here was getting putty to work as it had issues adhering to the plastic. I ended up using black superglue [HobbyTown IC-2000, a 20-45-second Tire Glue] in layers to build up the ejector marks. I used Gorilla Clear Glue to secure the two base parts together and then to secure the main shell to the base. Once dry, I added more Gorilla Clear Glue around the base of the main shell to give a smoother transition from the base to the main shell. I did not glue the projectile to the shell assembly as the fit is quite tight by itself and decided it would aid in painting.

Painting & Decals

Once all seam work was done, I sprayed both the shell and projectile with Tamiya TS-14 Black as a base coat. I repeated this until I was satisfied that all the seams had been correctly filled and sanded smooth. The projectile was then painted Tamiya TS-100 Semi-Gloss Bright Gun Metal.I tried several different metallic paints to get the brass look of the shell assembly, but I was not satisfied with any of them. A local club member suggested using Rust-Oleum Metallic Finish Brass and that hit the spot. I followed up with the Rust-Oleum Metallic Finish Copper for the shell – projectile transition. Masking the copper was an exercise in masking. Tamiya tape, even de-tacked, only pulled the paint straight off. Thus, sand smooth, and repaint. The only successful masking was with Post-It notes. I used Tamiya PS-31 Smoke to provide tonal variation to the assembly.

The stenciling mask is where I ran into more issues. The stencil mask for the shell was taped down as in the instructions but would not lay flat against the curvature of the shell. I tried sealing with Future clear acrylic, but that caused the stencil mask to curl up along each character, and in two instances caused separations of the stencil. I let it dry for four days, but the stencil was still curled up around the characters. I ended up using a 4x6 index card to put pressure on the stencil and then used an AK Real Colors Marker [RCM001 Rubber Black] to paint on the stencil. It sort of worked, but I was still left with the paint bleeding under the stencil mask.

Overall Evaluation

Despite this kit having only four parts, I spent much more time on this kit than I expected. Most of that was due to my issues [learning] with how to paint the polyethylene parts properly. Masking was another exercise in learning to mask with extremely low tack, or no tack, masks. Once those lessons were taken, it was simple. I really liked the end result, as the finished product looks great and is on a one-to-one scale, it is impressive. Now, I just need to grab a copy of Pig Models German Tiger II 8.8cm Pzgr.39/43 L71 Shell kit.

My thanks to Pig Models and IPMS/USA for the chance to review this great kit.

Highly Recommended !

Frank Landrus, IPMS# 35035

76.2mm Shell Replica


Nice review Frank! Pig Models seems to provide modelers and collectors a happy median for large scale munitions without the hassle and difficulty of the real deal and seems like an easy build for all builder skill levels.

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