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Review Author
Tim Hortman
Published on
Twobobs Aviation Graphics

Two Bobs Aviation Graphics continues to release decals to celebrate the special paint schemes that the US Navy is using to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of Flight (Centennial of Naval Aviation or CONA). Each decal sheet contains markings for these special aircraft, and a 3” sticker with the CONA official logo. Two Bobs actually has an official licensing agreement with the Navy to bring these decals to us in the hobby world! As always, this Two Bobs release features decals which are thin, crisp, and in perfect register.

This decal sheet covers two VFA-106 Gladiators Hornets from NAS Oceana seen in December 2010.

Review Author
Perry Downen
Published on
Twobobs Aviation Graphics

Snakes and Dragons. What an interesting title for a set of decals – two sets, as a matter of fact. The “snakes” portion of the title refers to the VFA-86 Sidewinders, MCAS Beaufort, NC, as of January, 2011. The “dragons” segment refers to the VFA-192 Golden Dragons, NAS Atsugi, Japan in October, 2009.

Review Author
Mike Hinderliter
Published on
Pavla Models

Pavla has come out with a cockpit and operators station set for the Hasegawa 1/72 S-3A Viking. The big difference between the Hasegawa cockpit and the Pavla one is that Pavla’s also includes the operators’ stations behind the pilots.

This offering is really a quality set of resin pieces – smooth, seamless, and bubble-free. The detail is also very nice and doesn’t need any extra work to bring out the detail; just a little bit of dry-brushing and it just pops out. As with most of the Pavla aftermarket parts, there is some cutting involved. There is a nice sheet included that shows where all the cutting is to be done. They also include the area from the entrance hatch to the cockpit, and that involves the removal of a pretty stout piece of plastic.

Review Author
Mike Hinderliter
Published on
Aires Hobby Models

Aires now offers a resin cockpit set for the Kinetic F16I Sufa. This set has very detailed resin pieces as well as a small photo etch set and film for gauges. They are molded in the standard Aires grey resin and are flash and bubble free. They also include a 3 page, blue paper diagram, a real help.

The resin pieces include a cockpit tub, 2 ejection seats, control consoles and cockpit sides, and associated bits. The photo etch is also exceptionally good. It comes with everything else you will need to detail this small work of art.

Review Author
Tim Hortman
Published on

The fine folks at Aires and Quickboost continue to add to their line of aircraft detail parts. For this review I will be looking at their set of gun barrels for the Hasegawa 1/48 WWII Japanese Navy N1K1 Shiden fighter.

The Shiden (George) was a late war fighter, considered by many to be one of the best the Japanese used during the war. Hasegawa has several different boxings of this kit on the market today, and this detail set will work with them all.

As shown in the photos, this offering contains a small resin set of four cannon and one pitot tube. The detail on these parts is very good, and clearly a step above what is supplied in the kit. This set allows you to simply paint these parts and glue them in place – far easier than working with the kit parts, and much cheaper than the brass or metal alternatives on the market today.