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Review Author
Rod Lees
Published on

Thanks once again to Quickboost for providing IPMS USA this review item!

I marvel at how these pitot tubes are manufactured; compare to the kit item in the picture, and tell me what technology and black magic are at use here! Not much to say except they QB pitot tubes are far better than the kit item; delicate and impressive when installed. Too bad they aren’t stainless steel! (One “Twang” and they disappear in resin, but I guess it’s better than stabbing a fellow club member in the eye with real metal). Good thing there is a spare on the pour stub! Another extremely competent and well done effort from Quickboost!

Review Author
Rod Lees
Published on

Thanks once again to Quickboost for providing IPMS USA this review item!

Again, a simple upgrade to the Eduard Kit item; the gun muzzles are drilled out, extremely finely detailed, and the shell ejector chutes are hollow; you would almost have to make these out of aluminum foil to get this level of detail on your own (and they would not hold up on the way to a contest!) An excellent upgrade to an already fantastic kit,.

Well done Quickboost!

Review Author
Rod Lees
Published on

Thanks once again to Quickboost for providing IPMS USA this review item!

Consider this a quick, easy upgrade to your Spitfire; The kit items are not as detailed as these in that the QB parts provide just a little bit of “Oompf” ; Why? The muzzles; included are a standard smooth version, with the bore already drilled out, and one with flats to simulate the location the armorer uses to fit the barrel wrench on (also with the bore drilled out). Magnificent! Same for the shrouded barrel; Finely detailed! Add to the set blanking plates for the leading edge to cover the unused outer gun barrels, and you have a worthy addition to your “Spit”.

Highly recommended!

Review Author
Rod Lees
Published on

Thanks once again to Quickboost for providing IPMS USA this review item!

At first you wonder “why” these have been developed… then look closer. The bases of all the air scoops have the diamond shaped mounting flange on them. The kit? Pah! NO! So, there is your answer. The kit air scoops are lacking! These are excellent additions to the basically excellent Trumpeter Flogger kit, and well worth acquiring!

Great job Quickboost!

Review Author
Dave Morrissette
Published on

Quickboost has come out with a 1/32nd scale seat and belts for the Me262. It can be used with either the old Hasegawa offering or the newer Trumpeter kits. A quick check of the Hasegawa and Trumpeter kits seems like it will fit either one.

The kit has a casting block on the bottom which I cut off with a razor saw and then sanded smooth (although it is on the bottom and out of sight, which is great). The molded-in seat belts are excellent with all the correct parts present and done in nice relief.

I included a comparison [picture of the Hasegawa and Trumpeter kit seats and the Quickboost offering). It is an enormous improvement and will make a world of difference in the kit as shown in the picture.

Highly recommended! My thanks to Quickboost and IPMS/USA for the chance to review this item.