Windsock World War Centenary Vol.31, No.2
Windsock World War Centenary Summer 2015 is the second edition of Volume 31. This edition’s cove story features the Sopwith Pup. The main feature is a detailed build log for the Wingnut Wings Sopwith Pup. Rob Partridge is the builder and his article provides detailed descriptions and images of how to go about assembling the WNW kit. If you’ve never built a WNW kit then the Pup is an excellent starting point, and this issue will come in very handy. Later in the publication one will find a page featuring three color illustrations of some Pups. Interesting markings, to say the least. A few pages following, a Pup Portfolio is presented containing a number of images of N6205, a Pup flown by Flt Com J.S.T. Fall, No. 3 Naval RNAS. The images were taken by James Fahey of this airworthy Pup.
For the scratchbuilder, there are some technical drawings, continuing the “100 Great Warplanes” series. These drawings are in 1/48th scale, and feature an LFG V19 Putbus. The Putbus was to be used as a spotter aircraft assigned to German U-Boats, and carried by them, deployed and assembled to search for Allied shipping.
This edition sees the 2nd and final installment of Lance Krieg’s build project of a Bleriot X1-2. Excellent text accompanied by color images will give one a sense of Lance’s ability, and provide the reader with some very useful hints and tips.
This publication is highly recommended to WWI aircraft model builders and those with an interest in WWI aviation history. The publication contains excellent color images of real aircraft, useful information contained in “build logs” for modelers, and advertisements that provide one with the where-with-all to find aftermarket goodies. Thanks to Albatros Productions for providing the review copy of this excellent publication to IPMS/USA for review.
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