T-2 Buckeye Metal Landing Gear
Ross, you and your company do it again…. Thanks to SAC for developing a metal gear set for this new kit; and thanks to the IPMS leadership for sending it on!
These stronger, metal versions of the kit’s gear, continue the “form/fit/function” replacement mantra. Short-run plastic is a bit soft, so metal gear becomes crucial with the larger kits. In the case of the buckeye, the nose gear is an offset single-arm strut, which makes the metal even more appropriate.
Continuing the line of full-build reviews so we could see how the gear actually looks on a final product… As reviewed by others, the basic kit is a computer-enlarged version of Special Hobby’s 1/48 kit released a few years ago by Two-Bobs. Outline, detail, and appearance are catered for with plastic for the most part, and resin upgrades for the seats and a few other bits (Including the retraction arms for the main-gear tire follow-up doors on the inner side)… in the end you have a huge model of a visually-interesting aircraft.
On to SAC: The main gear consists of one-piece gear struts with retraction arms. The nose gear is a one-piece item. Included with this set is a short drawing and instruction addendum sheet, whereby you are informed how to properly prepare the main gear well walls to facilitate inserting the gear after constructing the wing. You have to drill holes BEFORE construction, and open up the gear pivot points as well… Forewarned is forearmed.
Spray the metal parts with your favorite primer, install with epoxy or thick superglue, and proceed with painting the model (everything in this case is gloss white except the red/orange markings). A bit of effort with the oleo strut (Glossy Testors silver) brings out the detail; that and a pin wash to complete.
This model has been out a while; I have always liked how the “Buck” looks, and SAC provides a timely, important addition to the kit. Again, a home-run for the SAC team! Thanks again to Ross and IPMS USA for these review items.
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