SNIPER Targeting Pod
Continuing our appreciation from IPMS USA goes to Eduard for their having once again provided a sample copy of a long-awaited product, the SNIPER Targeting Pod, and the usual wave of thanks to the IPMS USA leadership for ensuring I received it!
This set contains 7 parts for one SNIPER pod: the resin main body, the forward seeker head, three clear windows for the seeker, a mount with sway braces for the pod, the aft mounting brace and interface for later pods, a PE fret with details such as seeker eye vents, and aft plates, and small decal sheet.
Detail on this set is stunning; you can show the pod head stowed or in operation, and every rivet, joint, screw and bolt is on the pod.
This is not a time consuming addition to your kit. Remove the end pour plug from the tail of the pod and Seeeker head, and gently sand the attachment cone flat alon with the pod itself. Cement the seeker into into the end of pod at the position you choose. Remove the PE end panel from the fret, along with the seeker head eye, and use either CA or white acrylic glue in the seeker head.
I carefully cut the mount from the pour stub, and superglued it in place. After that cured, I painted everything European Gunship Gray I (FS36081), and, at this point, let it dry. To prep for decals, I overcoated all with gloss lacquer.
Once dry, decal using the instructions, finish with a flat paint coat.
This next step either makes or breaks your effort: the clear resin sighting windows of the pod. I found that careful use of fine sanding sticks (In my case, women’s or whoevers’ nail buffers from the nail section at Walmart and other drug emporiums) allowed a tight fit. Once every part is trial fitted, including the bevels, use the finest nail buffer to smooth out the edges, and then run your Sharpie red marker edge down the perimeter. Let dry, then use water-based Microscale Klear, Johnsons’ Klear/Future, or acrylic water-based cement to attach them. It looks pretty good in person!
And, at this point, you are ready to hang your SNIPER Advanced Targeting Pod from your Mudhen or Viper. (or 1/32 B-1 or 1/32 B-52H).
Where do we put one of THOSE when built?
After the release of the 1/48 SNIPER Pod, I never dreamed we’d get a similar 1/32 item. Out of the dark ages we go! This is a welcome and very accurate resin upgrade for those willing to go the extra mile. A big “thank you” again to Eduard for taking care of us minions out in the modelling world!
Another fine score for Eduard. Thanks to them for extending the lead, and again to my bosses in IPMS for trusting me to produce in a timely manner…

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