Scale Aircraft Modelling, Vol. 36, Issue 1

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Vol. 36, Issue 1
Provided by: Scale Aircraft Modelling - Website: Visit Site

Each issue of Scale Aircraft Modeling follows a basic design and format and this one is similar. There are usually two Feature Articles, an Aviation in Profile piece, industry news and a series of Compact Build Reviews.

The Feature articles for this issue covers a build of Wing Nut Wings 1/32 S.E.5a and a 1/48 Eduard PKZ-2. The WNW S.E5a is a fantastic kit to begin with and the author, Phil Roger does a spectacular job. He uses a special method for oxidizing the exhaust pipes and shows the rigging and weathering in many detail shots.

The other Feature article from Dai Williams and is the start of a series called ":flying Oddities' and the PKZ-2 is odd. This a WWI helicopter which was basically a manned platform with an engine that was tethered to the ground and went up. Mr. Williams modifies the kit in a few areas but the shining part for me was the exceptional base he builds with the winches and planking from plasticard. Adding other parts makes the diorama truly exceptional.

The Aviation in Profile article covers the "Canadian Cruise Missile", the F-104 in Canadian service. The article has 34 profiles and includes Canadian markings but also those of RAF, Belgium and many other countries in schemes from natural metal to RAF camouflage. There is also a build article and a memoir from a pilot in separate articles.

As is the case in each issue of SAM, there are a number of Compact Build Reviews.

  • Gallery Models 1/48 Choctaw by Mike Williams
  • Yes another entry into the 1/12 Spitfire by Laverty as it gets wings
  • Airfix 1/72 Gloster Gladiator by Neil Pinchbeck
  • Pacific Coast Models 1/32 Hurricane by Jan Goormans
  • Italeri 1/72 F-35 by Jay Laverty
  • Hasegawa 1/72 Jaguar by Chris Fleet
  • Revell 1/48 Bf-110G-2 by Nino Gakovic
  • Italeri's New 1/32 Starfighter by Jay Laverty

In addition, there are numerous notes, new kit announcements and other modeling related items. As always, SAM is highly recommended for its content and excellent reference information.

Thanks to Scale Aircraft Modelling and IPMS/USA for the opportunity to review this issue.

Publication Cover


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