Building the Wingnut Wings Dolphin & Pfalz D.IIIA

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Review Author(s)
Book Author(s)
Ray Rimell
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softcover, 64 pages, 300+ images and 12 color profiles
Product / Stock #
WNW Special #7
Provided by: Albatros Productions, Ltd. - Website: Visit Site

This is the seventh, and latest, in Albatros’ series of “Windsock Centenary WW1 Modeling Specials,” each of which is dedicated to building a specific Wingnut Wings kit (or kits).

The booklet itself is done to very high publication standards, featuring 64 full-color, glossy pages within covers of slightly thicker stock.

In keeping with the format of the series, this book covers a very detailed, step by step build of WNW’s Sopwith Dolphin, as well as a more condensed build of the WNW Pfalz D.IIIA. There are also many period photos, color profiles, rigging diagrams, a section covering aftermarket sets and a bibliography.

The contents are as follows:

  • Introduction. A brief, 1page commentary by the author, Ray Rimell.
  • Part 1, Inside the Box. 2 pages of photos and text describing the WNW Dolphin kit.
  • Part 2, Building the Sopwith 5F.1 Dolphin. Several pages of stepby-step descriptions of the building of the kit, with numerous high-quality, close-up photos throughout. Photos are keyed to the WNW instruction steps. The author has completely gone to town on detailing this kit, using mostly scratchbuilt details with some aftermarket items.
  • Part 3, Building the Pfalz D.IIIA. A shorter build article, which is a revised and updated version of an original build article appearing in WINDSOCK International, December 2010
  • Part 4, Aftermarket Accessories and Decals
  • Part 5, Appendices. 1 page worth of a list of reference books and periodicals on both the Dolphin and the Pfalz.

Make no mistake about it, this is basically a step-by-step build of one EXTREMELY detailed kit. The WNW Dolphin is a first-class model right out of the box, but this author goes to great lengths to make it even better. Loads of photos of the build in-progress, as well as detailed shots of the real thing make this easy to follow right along. I particularly like the reference to kit instruction step numbers, and that all the photos of the actual aircraft appeared at the appropriate section during the build. Extremely clear and concise descriptions of each step in the build are provided. All scratch-built methods, even down to the types of glue and paint, are all clearly described. The format and writing style are both extremely appealing to me, and the presentation is first-rate. The section on the Pfalz is not as granular but is still in the same format, and still just as useful. Seen on its own, the Pfalz section makes a worthy assistant to help in the construction of that kit. It just seems a little abbreviated when next to that large Dolphin chapter! As you might be able to tell, I whole-heartedly recommend this one. A worthwhile purchase to accompany either (or both) of these WNW kits.

Thanks to Albatros Productions for the review copy, and to IPMS for allowing me to review it!

Front Cover


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