Scale Aircraft Modelling, Vol. 35, Issue 9

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Vol. 35, Issue 9
Provided by: Scale Aircraft Modelling - Website: Visit Site

The November issue of Scale Aircraft Modelling is another excellent piece of scale art. There are the usual two Feature Articles, an Aviation in Profile piece, industry news, and a series of Compact Build Reviews.

The two feature articles for this issue are a 1/32nd scale build of the HobbyBoss P-61 Black Widow and a 1/72nd scale build of Airfix's Lancaster B.III Dambuster. The HobbyBoss P-61 build by James Ashton goes into some detail of the build and adds True Details Wheels and Kits-World Decals. Where this article really shines is in the description of weathering and painting. The articles details paint chipping using the AK interactive chipping system, and also the post-shading and using the oils to weather. The effects are superb and the article is lavishly illustrated.

The second feature from Karl Robinson shows an excellent build of the Airfix Lancaster using masking techniques to get soft and hard demarcation lines. The out-of-the-box build really shows the kit’s high points and what it builds into, a great finished model.

The Aviation in Profile article by Mark Rolfe covers the Bf-109G series with 15 color profiles and line drawing of the "G" variants, with noted differences between the variants. Included are various profiles of Gustavs in foreign service, and also captured.

As is the case in each issue of SAM, there are a number of Compact Build Reviews.

  • Chris Fleet builds the Airfix 1/72nd Typhoon IB
  • Jay Laverty starts an interesting build of the 1/12 Spitfire from This is a wood, metal, and parts build that comes out as a subscription and arrive in 32 monthly segments. An interesting start to the build.
  • Rob Ludlow builds RS Models 1/72 P-39 in French markings
  • Dai Williams builds HobbyBoss Me-262A-1A/U2 and covers the entire range. You have to see how he adds the paper air flow indicators – phenomenal!
  • James Ashton builds Special Hobby 1/48th Fairey Barracuda Mk II/III
  • Seb Videc builds the 1/72nd Mil Mi-24V Hind E in a Czech Tiger Meet scheme
  • Yves van den Brock does a spectacular job on Trumpeter’s 1/32nd F-14D Tomcat, adding a Black Box cockpit, Wheeliant wheels, and Aires exhausts. Add a fantastic paint job and it is a great article.

In addition, there are numerous notes, new kit announcements, and other modeling related items. As always, SAM is highly recommended for its content and excellent reference information.

Thanks to Scale Aircraft Modelling and IPMS/USA for the opportunity to review the November issue.



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