Scale Aircraft Modelling, Vol. 35, Issue 6

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Vol. 35, Issue 6
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The August issue contains two Fature articles that will certainly attract the attention of “Jet” fans. In Feature 1, World Class modeler Yoav Efrati builds and reviews the Kinetic Kfir C2/C7 in 1/48th scale. The images attest to Yoav’s high level of skill as a painter and modeler, but the article itself is a goldmine for some weathering techniques. Yoav used Van Gogh Oils to weather the Kfir, and the effect is stunning.

The article is followed by a two-page spread of color images of the real deal – Kfirs in flight, on the ground, and with the usual detail shots of landing gear, pods, intakes, and some weathering provided by Mother Nature. Topping it off are two pages of profile drawings showing camo patterns, and with the colors involved being identified with FS numbers.

Feature 2 is a review of the spectacular Kitty Hawk F-94C in 1/48th scale. Brian Wakeman walks the reader through this project, identifying potential problem area in fit around the nose. Brian also includes his simple yet elegant solution. Brian weathered his F-94C using Warpigs and some Winsor & Newton oils. The results are outstanding! Brian’s article is rich in technique, not only with the previously mentioned Warpigs and W&N oils, but also with Mr. Mark Setter and Softer. I am a Kitty Hawk enthusiast and Brian’s article serves well as a primer for anyone wishing to build a Starfire.

Each issue of SAM incorporates an “Aviation in Profile” section. In this issue, keeping with the focus on the I.A.F., Yoav Efrati covers the history of the Mystere IV in Israeli service. The coverage includes dozens of full-color detail images of the actual aircraft, some black & white images, and considerable historical data.

As is the case in each issue of SAM, there are a number of “Compact Build Reviews.”

  • Mike Williams reviews the Eduard Spitfire Mk. IXc. Mike gives high praise to this Eduard product, stating that it “exceeds expectations”, and that is tough to do with an Eduard product. The expectations are already set at a high level.
  • Karl Robinson reviews the Hasegawa J35J in 1/72nd scale. Karl’s work is outstanding, notable in the face of some difficulties with the decals that Karl highlights in his review.
  • Yoav Efrati (the name should be familiar by now) builds the Hasegawa 1/48th scale Scooter, an A-4N in Israeli markings. This Compact Build Review includes two pages of full-color images of a Scooter on the flight line, showing a great deal of detail.
  • Going back to a much earlier era in aviation history, Neil Pinchbeck builds up the reissued Airfix Fury 1 in 1/48th scale. The review gives modelers a good look at the rigging required on the aircraft, which while not extensive, certainly adds to the visual appeal of the finished model.
  • “The Russians are coming!” Well, at least one Russian in a Zvezda 1/48th Yak-3. The accompanying images of Rob Ludlow’s project will serve the modeler well not only for decal placement but also for camouflage color.

As always, SAM is highly recommended for its content and excellent reference information.

Thanks to Scale Aircraft Modelling and IPMS for the opportunity to review the August issue.



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