RCAF Beaufighters in Coastal Command
This is a follow-up to Michael Novasad’s earlier review on the 1/48 sheet, but this time it’s the 1/72 sheet. Aviaeology provides well-researched decals on four RCAF Beaufighters covering the changing markings during the service careers of these aircraft. Each subject is complete with narratives on time period and painting suggestions. The instructions and diagrams are provided on four photocopied sheets, but an email request to Aviaeology will get you a promptly sent color PDF of the instructions which will prove helpful. The PDF can be printed or sent to your tablet for reference in your model workshop. You can magnify the profiles as recommended by Aviaeology to identify the subtle shades of extra dark sea grey to aid in weathering your Beaufighter. You also get a tutorial of the rocket projectiles and the rails used, with complete painting guides for them. Listed below is a breakdown of the subjects:
- 404 Squadron, Beaufighter TF.X NE825 or NE425; Spring 1944.
- 404 Squadron, Beaufighter TF.X NE355; April 1944-February 1945.
- 404 Squadron, Beaufighter TF.X LZ451; June 1944-January 1945.
- 404 Squadron, Beaufighter TF.X NV173; August 1944-December 1944.
Aviaeology's review sample is in perfect registry and the colors are vivid. I have not used them yet, but I have other Aviaeology sheets in my collection that are consistent in quality to this sample. From what I've heard and read, the Aviaeology decals bed down nicely and work well with the Micro Set/Sol system. Highly recommended. Now where are my Beaufighters?
Thanks to Aviaeology and to IPMS/USA for the opportunity to review this sample.
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