Operation Market-Garden 1994 (3): The British XXX Corps Missions

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Review Author(s)
Book Author(s)
Ken Ford
Other Publication Information
: Soft Back, 96 pages w b&w images, full color illustrations
Product / Stock #
CAM 317
Company: Osprey Publishing - Website: Visit Site

Ken Ford is the author of over 30 books on various aspects of World War II, including 3 publications covering Operation Market-Garden. The subject of this review is the 3rd and final book covering an extremely ambitious and risky plan, Operation Market-Garden.

The first publication, “Operation Market-Garden 1944 (1)” was the work of Steve Zagola and focused on the US Paratroopers of the 82 and 101 Airborne Divisions.

The 2nd book in this series was written by Ken Ford, and was illustrated by Graham Turner. Graham Turner’s illustration work is well known, having covered a wide variety of subjects for Osprey. Turner’s artwork adds significantly to the quality of the book, assisting the reader in visualizing the lay of the land, and the men and equipment of Operation Market-Garden. This book focused on the British 1st Airborne Division and the Polish 1st Airborne Brigade.

This book is the 3rd and final book covering Operation Market Garden, and focuses on the British XXX Corps and its drive from Belgium toward Arnhem. The author sets the stage for the battle in detail, describing the unorganized and somewhat chaotic German retreat from northern Belgium, and how, in a matter of days, the situation changed rather dramatically, bolstering the German defensive stand. The important factors, two of which were prominent, in this turn-about are explained, those being the supply shortage that affected the Allied advance, and the leadership of Generaloberst Kurt Student.

The actions of XXX Corps in Operation Market-Garden, have taken a back seat to the activities of the Airborne Troops and Glider Troops in the movies and other books, and this book brings to light the challenges, victories, and defeats of XXX Corps. Coupled with an excellent set of illustrated maps and b&w images, the reader gets a sense of the difficulties and risks faced by XXX Corps as it pushed toward Arnhem.


  • Introduction: Operation Market-Garden Objectives
  • Origins of the Battle
  • Chronology
  • Opposing Commanders
    • British Commanders
    • German Commanders
  • Opposing Forces
    • British Forces
      • British Order of Battle
  • Opposing Plans
    • British Plans
    • German Plans
  • The Campaign
    • Prelude to the Battle
    • Holding Joe’s Bridge
    • Operation Garden 17 September-2nd Day
    • 19 September-3rd Day
    • 20 September-4th Day
    • 21 September-5th Day
    • 22 September-6th Day
    • 23 September-7th Day
    • 24 September-8th Day
    • 25 September-9th Day
  • The Aftermath
  • The Battlefield Today
  • Bibliography and Index

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It is well known that Operation Market-Garden was “a reach that exceeded its grasp”, better described as “a bridge too far.” This book, and the two previous companion volumes are a superb collection that clarify the opposing forces, the leaders of those forces, and the combat that make up Operation Market-Garden.

This publication is highly recommended due to the excellent organization of the book, the superior writing style of the author, the excellent quality of the illustrations and b&w images, and the thorough coverage of the activities of XXX Corps in Operation Market-Garden. Thanks to Osprey for providing this publication for review by IPMS/USA.



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