German Wehrmacht Bivouac (3 Figures Set with Zeltbahn)
This set is of 3 figures and a zeltbahn (tent). These figures are in a rest area and are shown just settling in. The box art and instructions are on the back of the box and shows the figures in a completed state. This illustration by Ronald Volstad is a fairly accurate representation of the 3 figures and a great depiction of the camouflage on the tent.
This set had very minimal flash, and no ejection pin marks. What mold lines that were there were easily removed with a sharp blade. There are no decals, and the painting instructions are just for the major items. The paint colors are coded only for Testors and Mr. Color.
I constructed them using a Tenax type of glue. This softened the plastic enough that as pressure is applied to the join some dissolved plastic will ooze out and after it hardened any excess can be cut or sanded away. I used very little filler. The fit was acceptable and little adjustment was required to get the proper poses. The only concerns I had was with the pipe, very small and easy to lose, I did. The figure in the back appears to be holding something to his ear, but there is nothing to put there, so he looks like he is saluting. Also he is shown with a medallion around his neck, no such item is included. Last the tent has a lot of stuff in it; you will have to go to the spares box for those items.
They were finished with a coat of dullcoat and some pigments to show a little dirt.
This set is a well done and welcome addition of figures to the European theater of World War II showing people in a non combat scene. Add a vehicle in the background and that would make a good set of figures in a diorama, or just a small vignette of them by themselves. Highly Recommended.
Thanks to Dragon for the review sample and IPMS/USA for the review space.

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