F9F Panther Landing Gear
The Parts:
This product contains 10 white metal parts that replace kit parts A22 and A31 (nose gear components), C12 & C13 (main gear struts), C29 & C30 (main gear support arms), and C4 & C5 (4 parts folding wing support arms). The four white metal parts (they resemble hockey sticks) are used if the F9F will be built with the wings in the folded position. If the wings are in the extended position, these four white metal parts are not used.
Assembly using the SAC white metal parts is straightforward. Treat the SAC parts as though they came with the Trumpeter kit. Use them in the assembly process just as you would use the Trumpeter parts.
Scale Aircraft Conversions produces a rather large list of white metal parts in various scales, all of which are of high quality. I have a handful of models upon which SAC parts were used, and on each occasion I was entirely satisfied with the SAC parts and with the finished model. This SAC product is highly recommended.
Thanks to SAC for supplying the parts for review and to IPMS for allowing me to review them.

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