F-8 Crusader Ejection Seat
Adding to the Quickboost line of 1/32nd scale ejection seats is this latest offering for the Trumpeter F-8 Crusader. The seat, cast in their normal gray resin, comes in two pieces. The main body and the pull ring are both perfectly cast, and the pull ring has a resin protector cast in front of it. To assemble, cut the bottom plug off the seat, trim the pull ring and attach it, and paint it up. As with all Quickboost seats, the belts are molded in and have a nice draping effect to them. I included several shots of the seat plus a shot of the kit seat and the Aires seat. The kit seat is styrene and does have a set of PE belts, and for a kit seat is pretty nice. The Aires seat is, not surprisingly, very similar to Quickboost's, but the belts are multiple PE parts, as well as some seat detail. In looking at the seats, either the Aires or Quickboost are much better defined and accurate. It comes down to your choice of building the PE belts with the Aires which come with their set, or using the Quickboost. Either way, you can't lose – it will improve your Crusader.
Highly recommended. An easy drop-in with significant improvement, and all it needs is paint. My thanks to the fine people at Quickboost for the review sample and to IPMS/USA for the chance to review it.

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