Clear Colors
AK Interactive provides a set of three clear colors in this set. AK 267 Clear Orange, AK 265 Clear Red, and AK 266 Clear Green. These colors are perfect for navigation lights on aircraft, turn signals on cars, lighting on armor, lighting and windows on spacecraft, and even jewerly on figures.
In tests, all three colors did precisely what AK advertised they would do. When applied, the end product is a very realistic approximation of a color tinted bulb, or light cover. AK states that a new formula prevents the issue of a ring or rim of “Paint” around the area to which the colors are applied, and my tests verify this claim.
These tests consisted of the application of each color on an un-prepared plastic surface. In some tests I applied each color to the tip of a thread of stretched sprue. The Paint dried in a matter of minutes and has a smooth Surface and a transluscent appearance.
During my tests I found that the best appearance is obtained by applying a light, thin coat of clear color. If one attempts to apply a large drop of color it tends to make the Paint darker. One can thin the clear color Paint with AK 268 Nitro Thinner.
Each bottle in this set holds 35 ml of Paint and that is a supply that will last a very long time!
A high quality product, at the right Price, and achieving exactly what is intended! This AK product is highly recommended! My thanks to AK Interactive for supplying the review sample.

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