How To Paint With Acrylics – 2.0

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Company: AMMO by Mig Jimenez - Website: Visit Site
Provided by: AMMO by Mig Jimenez - Website: Visit Site

Over the last year I had the opportunity to review some products from Ammo by Mig and I have been impressed with their quality and ease of use. To the point that I started purchasing some other items from the line… but at times the online information is not completely clear on how to use the different products.

Enter “How To Paint With Acrylics 2.0” book. This book explains in great detail how to paint with the AMMO by Mig acrylics line, and also includes a lot of details on how other products of their line complement the acrylic paints, how to troubleshoot issues, and more.

The book is broken down in the following chapters:

  1. What is acrylic?
  2. Primer
  3. Airbrushing with acrylics
  4. Acrylics brush application
  5. Painting cockpits
  6. Decal application
  7. Painting figures
  8. Chipping
  9. Washable paints
  10. Acrylic filters
  11. Acrylic washes
  12. Drybrush
  13. Shaders
  14. Metal Paints
  15. Crystal Paints

Each chapter describes in extreme detail how to use the different techniques and it has multiple pictures taken (all of them in sharp focus) explaining step-by-step how to implement the specific technique being described in that chapter. Often, each chapter has a handful of projects and examples, so you have multiple ways to learn how to apply the technique.

This book is the “2nd Edition” which is updated and expanded. As I do not have the 1st edition, I cannot tell what sections have been updated and/or expanded. But I can tell you this book covers each section in amazing detail. It is basically going to be your “go to” book for almost all your modeling needs regarding Acrylics.

Like every other item in the Ammo by Mig line, this book teaches you everything you need to build a model from beginning to end, and make it look fantastic. With clear graphic explanations, supported by text only when needed, clear in-focus images, this book won’t disappoint you.

After reading this book, I feel I can use any acrylic item of the AMMO by Mig line with confidence and get good results. Highly recommended.

I would like to thank Ammo by Mig and IPMS/USA for the review sample.

Book Cover


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