B-17 Pilot and Copilot Seats
This upgrade provides a 1//32 scale improved seat for the HK B-17. It comes in three different options, with two seats to a package. One is the plain seat, one has basic seat cushions and backpad, and one has seat cushions, backpad, and the lap-belt. As the B-17 was (from my references) rarely equipped with over-the shoulder harnesses until later versions, the lap belt is the ultimate in final detail. As you can see in the side-by side view, the kit seat (in basic gray plastic) is about 3/8” taller than the Resin2detail seats. I believe the Resin 2 detail seats are more accurate.
All three seat sets were the same, with the exception of the additional details for the modeler’s requirement. This seat was without cushions or harness, and will work well with the aircrew I intend to add to the model. On the actual aircraft this was a stamped-metal seat, so it was very simple. I (carefully) used a razor saw to remove the seats from the pour stub. Paint preparation involved the use of spray white Tamiya primer, and once dried, the basic seat was sprayed with Tamiya Olive drab 2. This provides an excellent, durable base for light or heavy weathering and drybrushing.
As this is a basic seat with all parts molded in place, the overall work goes very quickly, with no parts or additions required. The detail really stands out once all the drybrush work has been accomplished. I personally prefer molded-on seat harnesses, as they look more scale in my opinion than other seat harnesses.
Final analysis: a most welcome addition to your HK B-17; The seats all have excellent raised detail, are all very realistic once painted, and the seat harness and buckles/hardware are all convincing. Highest marks for these seats!
Thanks very much to Resin2Detail for producing and providing IPMS USA these items for improving our models… and to IPMS reviewer corps leadership for sending it my way!

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