AMD/BA/Dornier Alpha Jet
The Dornier Alpha Jet is an advanced trainer/light attack/helicopter hunter/double seat jet aircraft that has seen service with 10 air forces, and several of them are currently being used in the civilian market.
Caracal models has released an impressive decal sheet for 15 airframes for 8 different countries. These are the airframes you get (listed from Caracal Website)
- Alpha Jet "314-TT", French Air Force
- Alpha Jet "8-NF", French Air Force
- Alpha Jet "314-TT" (old two-color camouflage) French Air Force
- Alpha Jet "705-RU", French Air Force
- Alpha Jet "102-FG", French Air Force
- Alpha Jet "102-MB", French Air Force
- Alpha Jet "2-FA", French Air Force
- Alpha Jet "AT10", Belgian Air Force
- Alpha Jet "AT15", Belgian Air Force
- Alpha Jet "3501", Egyptian Air Force
- Alpha Jet "228", Royal Morocco Air Force
- Alpha Jet "TU-VCA", Ivory Coast Air Force
- Alpha Jet "NAF471", Nigerian Air Force
- Alpha Jet "TJ-XBU", Cameroon Air Force
- Alpha Jet "5V-MBH", Togo Air Force
Most of the airframes are from the French Air Force in an overall grey, but the Belgian, Egyptian and Royal Morocco airframes are my favorites, due to the combination of markings and camouflage schemes. Honestly, with so many good options, I wish there were a “double or triple” boxing without decals of the Kinetic kit.
The decal set includes 3 sheets, with two of them being printed by Cartograf and the wing walks one printed by Microscale. Independently of the manufacturer, they are very glossy on the sheet and they have very little transparent carrier film around them minimizing the chances for silvering.
Given the large number of airframes, the decal set only includes the European air forces in the printed instructions. The rest are posted online at
If you are like most modelers, I would suggest printing the options and keeping them with the decals. It might be several years before you get to build the model and by then perhaps the URL has been changed.
The decal set provides full stencils and the instructions indicate if it is the English or French version. If you pick your choices carefully, mainly considering the wing walks, you can finish two models out of this decal set, one with stencils in English and the other one in French.
I want to point out that the MSRP price includes free US shipping. International shipping is only $3 more. It should be noted that the instruction sheet it is actually a full color booklet (printed in glossy paper) with left and right sides of each airplane, plus top/bottom views.
I would like to thank Caracal Models and IPMS/USA for the review sample.

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