Albatros D.V "Camouflaged" (Decals)
I have to admit, that when I first saw this sheet of decals, I wasn’t too impressed. The six aircraft don’t have the “wow” factor that a lot of us are used to seeing on World War One aircraft. The reds, blues, yellows, and other bright and dazzling color schemes are not here. After looking through the four page booklet, however, I have decided that this is a good thing.
First, you will get six schemes to choose from. All the wings are in green and mauve or just green, so there aren’t any lozenge decals to worry about. Next, none of the fuselages have that dreaded wood grain one has to try to imitate. Instead, they are in grey, green, or silver-grey. This is where the easy part ends and the fun really begins.
The modeler will be put to the test to start sponging, squiggling, dotting, stippling, and/or streaking green, grey and/or silver-grey over various sections of the aircraft. The tediousness of these steps will improve any modeler’s skill ten times over. It will require a lot of patience, but the final results will definitely be eye catching. All the schemes provided are pretty unusual. Only Kurt Monningto’s skull and cross bones scheme has been done before by Eduard in 1/48th.
These decals are printed by Cartograf in Italy and are superb. They are thin and tough, and snuggle down tight without any setting solution at all.
I want to thank Wingnut Wings, Ltd and IPMS/USA for allowing me to review this product.

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