Aggressor Squadron F-15C/D Decals

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Base Kit
Provided by: Afterburner Decals

In a single word, “Wow”! This set of decals is recommended for the Hasegawa F-15C/D in 1/48th scale and can be used on the Academy kits as well. Afterburner also points out that the package includes markings that can be used on the Tamiya 32nd scale F-15.

The product package includes three sheets of decals, one sheet being rather small and including three decals of the 57th Fighter Wing logo. The remaining sheets contain markings, stenciling, and other markings that one may choose from.

Markings are provided for the very unique Digital Splinter Scheme, the Blue Flanker Scheme and the Desert Flanker Scheme. Additionally, included within the Desert Flanker Scheme, there are markings for aircraft flown in 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, and 2012. Blue Flanker markings include aircraft flown in 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, and 2012.

Decals, in order to be of “high quality,” must possess certain characteristics.

  • The decals must prevent “bleed through” of the underlying color.
  • The registry of the decals must be clean and appropriately proportioned. I refer to a separation of colors such as the “white” border surrounding a “black” letter.
  • Do the decals require “trimming” prior to application due to the carrier film containing “color?” They should not.
  • Do the decals require “trimming” because the carrier film extends excessively beyond the color on the decal? They should not.
  • Is the decal strong enough to withstand some handling as it is nudged into its proper location?
  • Is the decal’s thickness sufficient to provide strength and yet thin enough to snuggle down over any details in the plastic upon which it is placed?
  • Is the decal susceptible to “silvering”?
  • Does the decal respond well to decal setting solution or does it “fail” when setting solution is applied?
  • Are the decals accurate and appropriately sized?

In all regards, these Afterburner decals pass the test. The “test” decals are sufficiently opaque and there was no bleed through of the underlying color on my test pieces. The sample responded well to SolvaSet and Micro Set/Micro Sol. The numbers, such as the “8”, “6”, “0”, and “9” are “hollow”….meaning that there is no carrier film “inside” the number. Some of the numbers, such as “58” are connected by a small bit of carrier film between the numerals, but those bits can be clipping off prior to application if one wishes. Finally, the decals are very well researched. The list of references includes 16 sources which provided information for the manufacture of these markings.

Lastly, these decals were printed by Cartograf of Italy. I have yet to see a decal printed by Cartograf that I didn’t like.

Finally, within the package, there are six pieces of 8.5x10.5 sheets of paper with color schemes, FS references, decal placement, and a bit of “history” regarding the markings.

Everything that a modeler needs in order to represent a specific aircraft, in both color scheme and markings, is contained in this one package.

Thanks to Afterburner Decals for the sample and to IPMS/USA for the opportunity to review this very fine product. These decals are highly recommended.

Box Art


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