Released in October, 2011, this Hasegawa kit is a superb model and is a “must have” for any Blue Angels aficionado, or any Hornet fan. The parts supplied in the kit allow one to build either the B or the D model of the Hornet, both in Blue Angels markings. I was at the air show at Randolph AFB in November, 2011, at which #7 replaced a non-serviceable Super Hornet, and was very pleased to see that it was #7 that Hasegawa was featuring in this fine kit.
The Parts
The parts are molded in a blue color that is a very close approximation of the FS15050 of the Blue Angels. A small fret of photo etch is included, as well as cast metal landing gear. There are approximately 225 parts in this kit, some 40 of which are not used for the Blue Angels B or D model of the Super Hornet. These parts are obviously for a different variant, probably the E.