Vickers Valiant - Pitot Tubes

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48 097
Base Kit
Company: Master Model - Website: Visit Site
Provided by: Master Model - Website: Visit Site

Another in a long line of excellent turned metal (brass) items from Master Model; IPMS USA sincerely appreciates Master’s support of our reviewer corps!

Up front, Master provides turned-metal pitot probes for the excellent Airfix Vickers Valiant. As usual, Piotr provides an excellent, more scale pitot replacement for the kit item. Metal is the answer!

In side by side comparison, you can see the difference in the Master pitot verses the Kit provided plastic version. The master pitot is far more scale in appearance; and since it’s extremely thin, it pays to be careful with this set. Bend it and cry…. But at least it won’t break off!

This package contains two turned metal probes in a double-bag system; first, the outer protective card with details on the contents, then an internal “small” bag with the scale, strong air data probes.

Installation: glue the kit pitot tube into the wing mount, then cut off the part; contour sand to blend in, fill any gaps, then carefullly mark and pre-punch the mounting hole to prevent the drill bit from skittering off. To prepare the wingtip for drilling; I used a micro drill set to match the Master pitot tube base, carefully drilled out the mounting hole, and then inserted the Master metal tube with superglue. SIMPLE!

Watch your eyes and other sensitive bits when working with these; they could cause serious damage for the careless…

Thanks again to our friends at Master model for this set; When the Valiant came out I was waiting for these to arrive, as the Master set are perfect replacements… I wasn’t wrong! Thanks also to IPMS USA Reviewer corps leadership for sending them to me.

Product packaging


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