US WWII Era Parachutes (2 types)
MMD-Squadron has released two unique detail parts in their True Details line that 1/32 scale model builders should find very useful. True Details USAAF WWII Parachute #1 (#32508) is a highly detailed 1/32 scale replica of a Type AN-6510 parachute that is casually posed as an aircrew chute would appear in pre or post-mission repose with integral pack (upturned), cushion, harness and intricate hardware. It is molded in gray resin on a very thin amount of resin molding scrap. This is a perfect accent for any 1930s-WWII US aircraft model. It is posed in the way parachutes were typically placed on the wings or stabilizers of fighter aircraft prior to a mission so pilots could quickly ‘suit up’ for a takeoff. This unique detail part is sculpted with an amazing amount of detail and is packaged on a blister card with a foam pad backing to protect the fragile features of the casting. No assembly is required. It just needs to be separated from the small casting scrap before painting and positioning. However, removing the parachute from the casting scrap requires a bit of care. I found the best way to do it without damaging the thin and relatively fragile straps and hooks was to break out a fresh #11 blade and carefully trim away the scrap. Trying to remove the casting scrap in the usual way by sanding it off with a sanding stick will most likely damage the edges of the straps and send the small hardware pieces flying.
When all of the casting scrap was cleaned away, I simply rinsed the moldings well and airbrushed a base coat of Mr.Color Olive Drab (the one for military equipment) that had been lightened slightly with a drop of white. When that was dry, I hand brushed the straps and hardware with a variety of Vallejo acrylics (the ones for brushing). After a light coat of Future was applied, highlights were dry brushed with oils and shadows were accented with a wash of Davies Gray and Raw Umber WN oils. I matched the colors to photos of parachutes I downloaded from the Internet. The photos below show the results.
US WWII Era Aircrew Parachute #2 (TD32509) is an alternate 1/32 scale resin casting of the Type AN-6510 parachute assembly that is sculpted to represent an aircrew chute in a down-facing pose with cushion, harness and intricate hardware casually arranged. Just like TD 32508, it is a perfect accent for the wing or stabilizer of any 1930s-WWII US aircraft model. Like Parachute #1, no assembly is required and the same comments concerning preparing and painting the upturned version of this parachute apply to this version as well. See the photo of the finished product below.
Both of these little detail sets are very realistic and fill a void. Someone at Squadron deserves a pat on the back for coming up with the idea to develop and market them. They are highly recommended to model builders who want to enhance the realism of almost any 1/32 scale WWII USAF aircraft.
My thanks to MMD – Squadron for the product samples and to IPMS/USA for the opportunity to review them.

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