PV-1 Replacement Exhausts

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Product / Stock #
LSM 40443
Base Kit
Revell 1/48 PV-1 Ventura
Company: Lone Star Models - Website: Visit Site
Provided by: Lone Star Models - Website: Visit Site

Thank you, Lone Star Models, for providing a very timely improvement to an excellent recent kit release. Thank you IPMS/USA Reviewer Corps for once again allowing me to evaluate a cool new product!

This product replaces the Revell PV-1 exhaust pipes. The Revell PV-1 kit exhaust pipes seem a little thick-walled and awkward looking. The Lone Star exhausts are a direct replacement of Revell kit parts 40 and 41. The Lone Star parts come in a plastic bag with an instruction sheet and are cast in tan resin on pour plugs. The exhausts require a little bit of fitting to the kit engine nacelles. I found this fitting to be not too difficult. The interior of the exhaust was thinned just a little with a quick file pass. The resulting appearance on the kit is excellent!

This is another great Lone Star enhancement of a great base kit. Thank you again, Lone Star Models, for providing a very timely improvement to an excellent recent kit release. Thank you IPMS/USA Reviewer Corps for once again allowing me to evaluate a cool new product! I hope this helps.

Part in Place


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