US 250 Lb. Bombs

Published on
November 7, 2014
Review Author(s)
Product / Stock #
Company: Eduard - Website: Visit Site
Provided by: Eduard - Website: Visit Site
Parts package

The kit includes six resin bombs, resin tailfins, photoetch for the nose fuse and rear arming vanes, 1 decal sheet, and instructions.

I compared the Brassin 250 lb. bomb to a 500 lb. bomb from Revell’s B-17F Memphis Belle. The Brassin bomb has much thinner tail fins and greater detail with the flanges on each of the fins. The nose fuse on the Brassin bomb has a more accurate projection, and the suspension lugs have nice definition. The Revell bomb only includes a slot for attachment without the suspension lugs. The rear arming vanes on the Brassin bomb are obviously much greater detail, as they are not included with the Revell bomb. The Brassin bomb his only very slight mold seams, which are easily corrected, compared to the larger glue joint and sprue attachments on the Revell bomb that need more extensive cleanup.

I installed the rear arming vane before gluing the bomb body to the tailfins, which is the procedure suggested by the instructions. I found it easier to glue the shaft to the arming vane before removing the vane from the fret. This makes it easier to hold the pieces and reduces the chance of them getting lost. Brassin thoughtfully includes extras for the small photoetch parts.

The decals are very small and quite thin for the 250 lb. bomb. The smaller yellow band around the nose has decal film on the inside of the band that should be cut with a knife before the detail is wet. This will aid in settling the ring around the nose fuse. I used MicroSol to help set all the rings smoothly around the bomb. The decals are quite shiny when installed and will need a light dusting of a matte varnish. Brassin does provide extras of the decals.

Brassin calls out olive drab drab color in Aqueous and Mr. Color paints. The fuse is an aluminum color.

These Brassin parts add much greater detail to the bombs, although care is necessary due to the small size of the parts and decals. Thanks to Eduard/Brassin for making very nicely detailed parts and furnishing review samples to IPMS USA.


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