Su-27 Missile Pylons

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Base Kit
1/32 Trumpeter Su-27
Company: Zactomodels - Website: Visit Site
Provided by: Zactomodels - Website: Visit Site

Chris "Zactoman" Wilson provides another much needed update for the 1/32 Trumpeter Su-27 with the release of a full weapons pylon set - ten [weapons] in all. In the set, you get replacement for the both wing tip pylons, 2 APU-73 pylons, four AKU-470 pylons with separate actuator rods, and two APU-470 pylons. The difference with between these pylons and the kits is phenomenal. All have the correct shape so the missiles added will sit at the correct angle. Detail is provided on the bottom of each pylon so if they are left empty, there is not just the flat bottom provided by the kit pylons. Detailing is incredible and I have pictures of the kits and the Zactomodels sets together - there is no close comparison.

Instructions are excellent and as always with Zactoman products, you can also go to his web site and look at the thread on Aircraft Resource Center and also download the instructions. Use is simple. The pour sprues are cut off, actuator rods are added to the four AKU-470 pylons and they are added directly to the kit. The wing tip pylons have wire supports and these are provided with the set also to help stabilize them.

These are phenomenal; I can't say enough good things about them. If you intend to build the Trumpeter Su-27 and get it close to correct, you need to visit Zactomodels and buy this pylon set. Many thanks to Chris Wilson and his pattern maker, Alexander Rogal for their efforts to show this beautiful plane as it should be shown. Highly recommended.

Parts in kitset


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