Soviet Fighter Pilot with Ejection Seat for Su-27

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Company: Aerobonus - Website: Visit Site
Provided by: Aires Hobby Models - Website: Visit Site

Aires and Aerobonus fill another gap with a Soviet pilot in a K-36 ejection seat meant to be added to Trumpeters very large 1/32nd Su-27. The set includes five well-cast resin pieces - two arms, the head/helmet, the top of the ejection seat and the seat/pilot figure.

Preparation is simple, remove the parts from the casting blocks and add the top of the seat and the two arms. There were small amounts of putty at the arms- I used Squadron white putty smooth with lacquer thinner. The head can be kept separate for painting if you like, or glued in place.

I primed the piece with Alcad gray primer, cleaned up a few seam lines, primed again, and set aside to dry. Since the pilot is attached to the seat, I actually started by painting the seat with a base coat of black. I then started with the face and hands and used Scale 75 acrylics. I base coated the face and then added several highlights and darker colors. I painted the eyes and added more color to the face until I was happy. I sealed everything.

The paint scheme for the kit is fairly simple. The uniform is a dark gray green. The seat belts are gray with silver buckles and lever. The boots are black and the helmet white with a tan liner. The ejections handles are red. Several variations of color were added to each for depth and the part flat-coated. While taking pictures, I pulled out a partially finished “shelf of doom” Su-27 and slid him in and the fit was perfect. I did realize his left arm is a bit high (or he’s starting to salute someone!).

This is a simple and wonderful kit and adds to a wonderful kit in itself. It is simple, well sculpted and cast. Highly recommended.

Thanks to the wonderful people at Aires for making such a kit and making it available to IPMS for review.



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