Republic P-47C-5-RE - Single, Number 43

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Review Author(s)
Book Author(s)
Dariusz Karnas Arthur Juszczak
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Card Stock Paperback Softbound, 24 pages
Product / Stock #
Single 43
Provided by: Casemate Publishers - Website: Visit Site

The book compiles the 4-view color profiles, scale plans and photo details of the single variant of the Republic P-47C-5. Scale plans are in 1/72 & 1/48 scale, plus drawings from wartime technical manuals. Also included are photos of the details in B&W and color.

For any person wishing to build the P-47C model, this book would be a great resource. There are 3 view drawings showing the fuselage formers, wing rib size and location, panel lines on the aircraft and rivet lines. There are technical drawings for the construction of landing gear, cockpit layout and dashboard instrument locations to name a few. This book can be used to give extra detail your model’s cockpit. One page focuses on the area of the cockpit containing map pocket storage and other pocket storage areas.

The Photos included in the book are crisp, detailed and I enjoyed looking at them. One set shows the gun bay layout and ammo loading area. Given the number of pages this book would serve as a good quick reference guide.

Thank you to Casemate books and IPMS/USA for the ability to review this book.



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