RCAF Overseas Catalinas The Savior of Ceylon & Beyond
Aviaeology is a company based in Ontario, Canada and calls itself “A product of research, illustration, & design for students, enthusiasts, & practitioners of Aviation History Publications, Decal Sets, and Model Parts
Right now I’m trying to make my fingers work in my back room where my laptop and I are banished for doing all our nefarious Modeling reviews and such works. However, Ontario is a LOT colder than Oklahoma, so I have it good…
Therefore, IPMS/USA sends warm regards once again to the stalwart proprietors of Aviaeology, Alison and Terry Higgins, for supporting the IPMS USA reviewer corps with yet one more of their marvelously produced, meticulously researched and top-shelf historical and artworks. And thanks to IPMS leadership for sending it to me to be reviewed.
In this case, I am reading the header of the RCAF Overseas Catalines of 413, 422 squadrons, operating out of Ceylon in World War II. Available in 1/48 and 1/72 scales, or a stand-alone booklet on the net, this is the usual Aviaeology qualitiy product we have come to expect.
The instructions are small historical booklets in themselves, and contain sufficient decal subjects to cover several Catalinas in this service. The historic aspect is the major draw to these decals… besides the excellent quality transfers themselves. Included are codes, roundels, fin flashes, and other details sufficient to build some new and interesting models… all you have to do is spend some sheckles on E-bay or pull out the stash for one of the older Catalina Mk 1 or Mk 1b models…
Having used Aviaeology decals before, I was not only overwhelmingly impressed with the research and presentation, but the performance of the decals themselves. I used a set on a 1/24 Airfix Typhoon and they worked like most new-tech decals will… settling in with a small blotting towel, and minimal use of solvents. No tough love is anticipated to be required on this set!
Alas, this set was not snapped up by our local group, and fortunately I happened to receive this particular decal as, what we call in the reviewer corps, ‘an orphan” due to various and sundry reasons. (…So it’s not a jet, watsa mattah wit you’se guys?...)
I am so impressed with what I have seen on opening the package that I have started to source one of the Academy releases in anticipation of using Aviaeology’s decals, probably the Mk IVb. Which scheme shall receive some attention from the airbrush?... no dearth of choice here.
Aviaeology, you win another one. There are those of us out here who build models for the markings… and I am one of them. But I am only one… and only so much time. In this case, better a late discovery of a Gem than totally ignored, and I look forward to the completed project soon. Well done and I will be looking for your next hidden Canadian Treasure! Thanks again Allison and Terry for providing IPMS USA this sheet, and Phil and John for affording me the opportunity to do so!
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