PV-1 Ventura Propellers w/Tool
Thanks to Aires for this excellent upgrade to the great Revell PV-1 Ventura model, and to IPMS leadership for providing it to me for review.
This set replaces the incorrectly shaped propellers with new, accurate paddle bladed Ventura props.
Step 1: Remove the prop hub and boss from the pour stub. Carefully mark the base of the hub, then use a razor saw or (better yet) a photoetch saw to cut through the pour base. Lightly sand to bring it all flush and even, and then on to the jig!
This set has a jig to allow you to drill out the prop hub to accept a shaft. There are two holes in the jig; the first has a raised circle of resin around it, into which you place the prop hub. Be CAREFUL, as the hub details are fragile. Then, using a 5/32” drill bit, carefully drill out the back of the hub. I recommend using a #11 X-Acto or similar to make a dimple in the center of the hub to allow the drill bit to “bite”. Once you have the bit started, you must retain a semblance of accuracy, i.e. Mark 1 eyeball, to ensure the hub is drilled consistently and accurately.
Remove the hub, put it on the drill bit, and run it to see how you have done. If you were careful, there will be little or no ‘run out’. If not, well, sorry, next size drill bit and start again.
The propellers are next; using a razor saw, cut them from the pour stub, at the base of the stub and prop. Lightly sand to ensure they are flush and true, then move to the next step: Using a shaft through the propeller hub, and the hole on the jig next to the propeller, offer the prop blades up to the jig. This is supposed to keep the pitch and camber of the blade true to the hub. Use superglue SPARINGLY unless you really want to mess up and glue everything to the jig. It doesn’t take much, just patience.
Method 2(My way to do it): Mark the center of the prop hub, use a 5/32” drill bit, and hold it in your hand while you SLOWLY and carefully drill out the shaft hole. Then, remove the prop blades, sand the base flush, dip in superglue, and again using Mark 1 eyeball, install each blade.
Your mileage may vary.
End of the day: Is it worth it… Yes. The kit propellers are wrong for most Venturas. The Quickboost props have a more robust rake and fore/aft paddle section. They look correct. Make your own decision, but I have made mine by buying a second set.
Thanks again to Quickboost for providing great upgrades for our models. Top marks to Quickboost for the prop set and to IPMS USA leadership for sending them to me!
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