Profile Hangar No.1: American Indian Artwork & P-47s Over the Pacific

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Book Author(s)
Thierry Dekker (translated from French by Neil Page)
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Softcover, 64 pages, color profiles and b&w photos
Product / Stock #
Profile Hangar No. 1

This is the first in a new series of books by Landscape Publications. The series is built around highly-detailed profiles, with supporting text and photos. This particular volume is broken down into two sections: Insignia & Nose Art (featuring American Indian artwork & emblems), and Hangar Special (featuring P-47s of the 19th Fighter Squadron on Saipan).

This publication seems to fall somewhere between a book and an extremely high-quality magazine. I say this because the subjects in the two sections are completely different, and are presented as though they are separate articles in a magazine. The unifying feature is the profile artwork (hence the title). I assume future volumes will have a similar format, and it is possible they will each have the same two sections.

This book is softcover, printed in landscape format on high-gloss paper between stiff covers. Publication quality is extremely high. Almost every page features a highly-detailed color profile, or large black and white photos, or both (there are two color photos as well, branching off in a brief discussion of Armee de l’Air camouflage colors). The text accompanying the profiles is aimed at modelers, with comments throughout regarding weathering and colors. On the inside cover is an explanation of the creative thoughts behind the publication and the series.

Section One, “Insignia & Nose Art,” covers the use of American Indian artwork and emblems on select aircraft from WW1 and WW2. Aircraft in this section include SPAD XIIIs, Curtiss H-75s of the Armee de l’Air, P-40s, a P-51, P-47s, Hurricanes, Spitfires, Hellcats, and a Tempest. Although mostly covering Allied aircraft, there is also a profile of a Fw-190A-8 with an Indian Chief head profile under the cockpit. Scattered among the pages are scrap views of the subject artwork/insignia.

Section Two, “Hangar Special,” features the P-47s of the 19th Fighter Squadron based on Saipan in 1944. The profiles in this article are all of Thunderbolts in Olive Drab/Neutral Grey finish, with natural metal cowlings and tail surfaces. 17 different aircraft are covered, with supporting photos and film stills. Several profiles show both sides of the aircraft. There is one top/under profile as well.

The artwork in this publication is first-rate. Thierry Dekker has created some fantastic profiles, and the supportive text is aimed squarely at us modelers. I liked the idea of building the descriptions and photos around the profiles. Although most of the profiles do have supportive pictures, a few do not. As much as I would like to trust profiles of this caliber, I would really like to see a real photo of the aircraft in question. Specifically, I would have liked to see a photo of that Fw-190 with the Indian Chief profile!

I would highly recommend this to anyone with interest in either of the main subjects. Visually, this book is superb, and modelers should find some inspiring subjects within.

Thanks to Landscape Publications for the review copy and to IPMS for allowing me to review it.



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