North American B-25 Mitchell Decals, Part 2

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Airfix B-25C/D
Company: Lifelike Decals - Website: Visit Site
Provided by: Lifelike Decals - Website: Visit Site

Lifelike Decals from Japan is one of those hidden gems people need to hear more about. With a large selection in the most popular scales, they have decals for WWII era planes from Japan, Europe and the US. This set covers Part 2 for the B-25C/D/J in 1/72 scale and is meant for the Airfix B-25C/D.

Inside the package, you’ll find three decal sheets with two being made by Microscale and one by Cartograf all in perfect alignment. Two sheets cover the plane markings and one is for the roundels in two different styles. Also, there is a masking sheet for “Old Baldy”. There are specific instructions for each aircraft along with color profiles and details of how to represent that specific aircraft with aftermarket accessories where needed. A separate page on the history and types of national insignia is also included.

The sheet covers five aircraft:

  • B-25D-10-NC, BuNo. 41-30278 “Hell’s Fire”, 500thBS/345th BG, Nadzab New Guinea, May 1944
  • B-25D-15-NC, BuNo. 41-30592 “Mexican Spitfire”, 498th/BG/345th BS, Nadzab New Guinea, April 8-14th 1944
  • B-25D-5-NC, BuNo. 41-30058 “Lucky Bat”, 499th BS/345th BG Port Moresby (end of July 1943) or Dobodura, New Guinea (Late January 1944)
  • B-25D-5-NC, BuNo. 41-30036 “Old Baldy”, 498th BS/345th BG, Nadzab New Guinea, April 1944

Please note that “Lucky Bat” has separate and distinctive decals for both time frames which give the five varieties of markings.

Looking at one example, BuNo. 41-30036 “Old Baldy”, shows the depth of research done. The first thing you note is that Lifelike refers to specific pictures in specific references that are all listed so the modeler can look at that specific picture being referred to in the text. The history of the plane and progression of markings is covered in depth including 83 mission markings (which is in of itself a remarkable feat), The history is covered up until the loss of the aircraft on July 7, 1944.

In summary, beautifully printed decals of five interesting subjects with superb references and tips for model builders. Plus, decals made by Microscale and Cartograf. Highly recommended to fans of the B-25 and any modeler wanting a great looking kit with colorful markings in their collection.

My thanks to Lifelike Decals for the opportunity to review this great set.



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