L-29 Delfin - Pitot Tubes
The L-29 Delfin was a jet-powered trainer airplane that was designed by the Aero Company of Czechoslovakia. An excellent kit of the Delfin has recently been released in 1/72 scale by AMK. Although this kit, in my opinion, is very good, our friends at Aires/Quickboost have found some areas where the accuracy of various parts can be improved.
This set from Quickboost provides replacement wingtip pitot tubes. The AMK kit molds the two pitot tubes integral with the wing upper surfaces. The picture of my completed review model shows the kit pitot tubes. They appear somewhat oversized and were fragile. I had to be very careful while masking and painting. I have read a couple of build reviews of the 1/48 scale L-29 from AMK and both of these replaced the pitot tubes with wire or stretched sprue.
The first of the two sprue photos shows how the pitot tubes were molded into the upper surface. The second sprue photo shows the replacement part from Quickboost compared to the original part. The Quickboost part is noticeably thinner and more detailed.
My plan when I am building my next L-29 is to remove the pitots before assembling the wing. I plan to cut them off and leave a small “V” in the leading edge so that I will know where to drill a mounting hole for the replacement pitot tubes. As an aside, Quickboost provides four of the replacement parts in this set. They look very fragile and small so the two extra ones may be a benefit.
As I have said before, the AMK kit of the Delfin is a good kit but these replacement parts will improve the final appearance of your model. This set should be available from any dealer who sells the Aires/Quickboost line. Well recommended. A big thanks to Quickboost for providing this great product and to IPMS for letting me have this review.

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